Chapter 0193

The bed I had been placed on was occupied by a man, who was doing nothing but screaming and writhing in torment. The room divider hadn’t even been placed over the section and four people scurried from one side of the tent to the next, gathering gauze and antiseptic stuff. The thing that had me shocked the most was the sheer amount of blood coming from his neck, had his artery been burst or something?

Instantly flashes of my moms mangled body came into view as I looked at the seeping lesion on his neck. How could someone who claims you as their soulmate, even think about doing something that would cause nothing but pain? I didn’t understand it at all.

“How can we help?” Lewis quickly made our presence known as he rushed to the doctors side while V simply stared at him. She was holding the patient’s legs down trying to stop the poor man from flailing about.

“Take over from me, you’re much stronger.” He nodded quickly and got to work straight away placing his hands on the man’s ankles and steadily holding them in place.

“He’s bleeding out!” The doctor spoke while quickly placing a handful of gauzes in Vs hands before running off to the other side of the room where John was gathering items on a tray.

out of her depth. She was strong, and seemed naturally gifted in many things, but she lacked common

own, I firmly pressed down an the man’s neck and moved around slightly in order to find where the severe bleed was originating from. When I realized the puncture wound

by stopping the bleed then so be it.

was too focussed on what was in front of me, I had managed to switch

washed properly, and I wasn’t wearing gloves so infection was a high concern, but I couldn’t think about it as the blood loss was excessive

thought, I placed my finger in the man’s neck, and stopped the

mark their mate without permission?!” Lewis

his rhetorical question though

was his intention… as soon as he finds his queen he would mark her and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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