Chapter 0210

Dylan POV.

He was so close to me, I could feel the heat coming from his own body slowly increasing my own. Lewis grinned while I simply glanced at his mouth. God, our lips were centimeters away from each other our breaths intertwined, causing a whole new form of heat to rise inside me. "You smell different today..." I heard him mumble slightly as he leaned even closer which caused my eyes to widen a fraction. "You should have told me." He spoke before finally backing away from my body.

His once cheeky, expression changed drastically as hurt took over his features. His eyebrows scrunched ever so slightly before a sympathetic smile became directed at me.

"Happy Birthday, Dylan!" My face dropped quickly at his words. I hadn't told anyone when my birthday was, so I genuinely had no idea how he knew it was actually today.

I couldn't help but question him as I slightly turned my head away. There was no way that was just an estimated guess.

world. Anyway, I always notice straight away if anything is

of my mom and Freddie as we baked a plateful of pancakes, right before seeing what gifts my family had managed to get for me. Instead of all that, I was miles from home, surrounded by people who I barely knew, and trying

shoulders in an attempt to show nonchalance, when in reality my mind and my body were hyper aware of everything. "Not that I'm actually allowed to do that." I rolled my eyes in frustration at what V was like. Actually thinking about it, maybe I just needed another perspective. I wonder

do that? Whose stopping you?" Had he really no clue about what was going on? Could he not see that V was too soft, that she was too blind to the

him a flat look as he began to process who it could be. Sometimes Lewis

in the pack. At the moment she's just focused on increasing our numbers." I just sighed. I understood that side of it, but she was just complacent, it wasn't about boosting the number of bodies the rebellion had, no,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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