Chapter 0213

Lewis POV.

“You can't look at me without seeing what King Josh did to me, can you?" I watched helplessly as her eyes began to water slightly at her words. I couldn’t for the life of me believe that’s what she thought. This girl in front of me, had been through so much, and the only thing I ever saw when I looked at her was a true leader.

"No, it's not that at all, Dylan..." I had to cut myself off while I quickly thought about my next sentence. I couldn’t just turn around and blurt out that she was my chosen mate? That I loved her with my entire being, that I wanted her to let me love her, I couldn’t explain that I wanted nothing more than to hold onto her until the day I died. "I promise you, it really isn't like that, honestly.” How could she not believe me, she’s been through so much, I knew that, but I thought I had at least managed to show her that I was different, I wasn’t just some lycan hell bent on human slavery. “I... I sometimes have to remind myself of what he did."

and that I had to pace myself with her. I had to remind myself of everything she had been through so I didn’t come on too strong. So that I didn’t chase her away. I would never force myself onto her no matter how badly

and growled slightly my hand roughly ran through my hair in exasperation, I had no clue how I

I growled again and turned my head away from my girl. She had to know that I obviously didn’t mean it like that. “I just meant that I have to remind myself of everything sometimes because…” It was because I wanted her, I wanted her so bad, and I couldn’t have her, she wasn’t

first mate. I hated seeing Dylan go through everything she did, but that day was the worst thing Josh had done to her, and I hated the fact that I was forced to witness it and not be able to do a single thing about it. I have hated myself, everyday for standing idly by and watching her go through so much, and

right at all am I?" I really wasn’t making myself clear even though I thought at first that I was doing ok. I felt my heart rate begin to hammer inside

filling up more and more as she thought about my idiotic words. Honestly, what was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to tell her that she was my mate? That I had fallen for her harder than

shook her head, and blinked her tears away quickly, I watched the walls she had built around herself shoot right

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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