Chapter 0233

Chosen By The Moon

Chapter 233

Plan POV

It had been three hours since I had woken up, the weight of everything was still reeling in my head as both myself and Lewn made run way to the safe havens entrance. I was wearing Lewis’s T–shirt and shorts, which hung off my like a Tent due to their largeness and my malnutrition, a beanie hat, which was provided by a different wolf, tucked my hair up and kept it from wafting in the wind, and some plain black pumps adorned my feet, which were a size too big curtesy of V. Every inch of me was covered in scents that weren’t my own in order to conceal my identity until we got to the rebellions pack house.

“Are you sure you’re ok with this? Lewis asked me for the billionth time. “We can wait a few days until you are feeling more like yourself.” I just nodded my head, and squeezed my hand over his conjoined one.

“I’m feeling more like myself now, than I have in a very long time. If we keep putting this off then things will never start moving. King josh needs to be taken down, and the longer we wait, the more people will suffer, it’s the only thing that’s keeping me going.” I was more than ready to get the ball rolling, to which he understood. He nodded his head and looked ahead of him once more as we got closer to the entrance.

“It’ll take about twenty minutes to walk there, so just try and keep your head down, you are very well known, and the last thing we need is someone against us seeing you.” Twenty minutes? That was actually much longer than I had

expected. I frowned and looked at the previous beta who didn’t at all seem that bothered by sick a long walk.

of you twenty minutes each way to get there?” I was of course on about the lycans when they leave

“Does that not

do still have to keep our heads down slightly, especially me because I am recognisable.” Oh that made so much sense. I couldn’t help but allow a smile to form on my lips at the thought of Lewis in

nodded like it was the most obvious answer in the world. I don’t know why this man in front of me even liked me at times, but I knew one thing, and that was that he was far

at the very least half meant it, I think he was just testing the waters to see how much he could get away with. Little did he know that I would probably agree to


on your back? Would that not be a bit awkward?” I couldn’t picture it, am I not too big? I

underweight I was, but still, I couldn’t use him as

nearly a week. I hummed slightly, acknowledging that I heard him but his words didn’t sink in at all, as I thought about how the old taxi cabs used to be painted yellow and how Lewis’s wolf fur was basically a different shade of it, a chuckle left, my lips at the immature image that had shot through my mind, of

my reaction. I had, for the first time in a while, let my mind wonder


Chapter 233

allowed me to feel to at race with him that

as I finally met his eyes once more. “I’m up for trying though if you are. I think it could actually be fun” wonder how many

that it was the only thing I wanted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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