Chapter 0235

Chapter 235

Delan POV

Let’s go meet the alpha!” I stated only to have Lewis quickly launch his feet off the floor and begin running at full pelt. The speed he was going at was just insane and another laugh came from my own

It felt like I was lighter than air, the fun I was having was unmatched as my stomach gained a light butterfly feeling at the excitement.

It honestly felt like we were flying through the wooded area that surrounded the pack house that we were visiting. I never in a million years would have thought I would do anything like that, but I enjoyed every single moment of the ride.

By the time we got to the entrance of the house, Lewis slowed and I released my tight grip on him. I gently smoothed out the soft blonde fur from the clumps it had formed in my hands, I actually felt slightly guilty because it must have been pulling painfully the entire time and yet, he didn’t once complain.

I suddenly felt a thousand pairs of eyes on me, as I quickly jumped off of him. I looked around slowly at the growing amount of people flocking towards the pack house, in hopes of simply getting a glimpse at the beaten queen of the Lycanthrope. I was a joke to them, a spectacle, I always had been really, even before the king had claimed me.

looks I was getting, and instead focus on the man in front of me… and so I stated my joy as I watched him shake his wolfs body out which caused

basically a seven, maybe eight foot wolf. “Seriously, that was really fun… I didn’t hurt

I didn’t like not being able to talk to him. It was still so strange to me that I had feelings for a wolf, the previous royal

directly next to the

and a slight grimace formed on my face, it was the only

sported a single pair of loose fitted shorts. His hair was more ruffled and wild than I had ever seen it, and I’d be genuinely lying if I


Chapter 235


to enjoy that way more than I was expecting.” He chuckled before grabbing hold of the beanie that rested on my head and pulling it off gently, finally allowing my long dark hair to cascade freely down my

never would have thought would turn me on, and yet there I was, fighting the

yet, there was a hint of humor laced in his voice which had me chuckling a he quickly interlocked his fingers between my own

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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