Chapter 0240

Chapter 240

Hou, an alpha and Lama who I don’t know and who doesn’t know me, simply decided my she fox the tock a step forward and instantly had the alpha meet my eyes, I felt the orbs of ewry thong Lupron in the

xm, not that I paid any mind to it, I had started my well known word vomit, and one 16 Hartsd everyone knows I couldn’t stop. “That is what you did. You helped me escape one pron only to throm me into another one.” Not that it really mattered now anyway. I was in the pack, and ready to start whatever I had to in order to drive the king out of his shadows.

“Your grace, I assure you, that wasn’t our intention it’s just… I shook my head, the past credidn’t te changed. The only thing I could do was prove my abilities were vital to the cause.

“It doesn’t matter… Now would have been the perfect time to bring my plan to the alpha and we if it was at all possible to complete. “There is no point anyway in planning a fight that we obviously cart win yet. We genuinely haven’t got the numbers, and we don’t have the right attitude. The King, would wipe us out in a heartbeat. My abrupt subject change caused heads to start spinning with povstalities. Deep down however they knew my words were right. If we fought tomorrow, then we would be


claimed. Doubling wasn’t good enough. It was like I had said to V, we needed to be smart and what we

you know it, otherwise you would have made a move by now. What we need is

I had lived with him for long enough to realize what would really be his undoing. He craved power and he wasn’t afraid to do anything to maintain the control he had with

title alone.

but how do you expect to do that.” I shrugged, I still hadn’t thought of my

wasn’t the

gotten the upper hand. Before we think about growing our numbers, we need to find a way to contact other countries and devise a plan alongside them.” I watched as the alphas hand joined together in front of his face in deep concentration at my words. My plan was radical and impulsive, but we needed to do

plan on doing that.” What was my plan exactly? Maybe 1 hadn’t thought it through

office, panic sweeping over her feature as she looked from one person


Chapter 240

the sectors borders… Alpha, my brother said that he has picked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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