Chapter 0246

Chapter 246

I might not like what he does sometimes, but I agree with his reasoning for doing things. He is my ting. from now until my end. My girl shook her head in exasperation and finally dropped her gunned hand to her side. Her face took on a hard expression before looking my friend in the eyes. What was going through her head.

And what of me? Was her simple answer which caused Olivers eyes to widen a fraction. Her question had caught us both off guard. “The man that you call king, is nothing more than a usurper. Falsely claiming the crown as his own, and holding it due to fear.” She spoke nothing but facts as her eyes began to blaze with a dominant force that had even me wanting to bow before her. “The lycans were never meant to be oppressors to the human kind. The previous ruler knew this, but you don’t seem to.” She crouched down before the new beta and held the gun in a relaxed grip, her elbows rested effortlessly on her skinny knees, she was suddenly the epitome of confidence, which was a huge contrast from the girl who wakes up crying out of fear. The girl truly was amazing. “I understand how difficult it must have been to hide your way of life from the rest of the world, but to completely take over, that’s just screaming cause for uprising.”

control. You are no different.” He was wrong about that, Dylan was very different, she didn’t want power, or control. She just wanted her freedom, the ability to choose how her life could be lived, instead of it being forced on her. Although, I wasn’t at all sure she would ever

don’t want to control you lycans, and we don’t want you to suppress who you are, we just want to have the chance at a legit life. One without fear of physical punishment for everyday mindless offenses.” Dylan really was talented with her words, even still

you and your king have the rights to tell us what we can and can’t do? Why do you make excuses for his tyranny? I think he has you lycans on just as big a leesh as the rest of us. If he says jump, then you comply. That isn’t a leader, that is a dictator…“She paused, for a second before addressing me once more. “Take him to the pack’s dungeon, where he can’t harm anyone.” Her eyes showed sadness at her orders but I nodded and grabbed him only for him to pull away from me roughly

up as much as you want to, but Josh will come for me, and when he does, he won’t leave without you too, you can’t hide forever.” She let out a scoff at Oliver’s words, fear was nowhere

I was hiding?!” She nonchalantly replied. “The wheel

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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