Chapter 0258


Chosen By The Moon

Chapter 258

“I’m good, just lost track of the time.” I answered before realizing my clothes were outside, with Lewis! “Could you pass me the clothes you found, please?” I asked before opening the door up a crack to see Lewis already holding them in his hands. His gaze averted me as he passed the bundle of fabric to me and once again patiently waited for me to exit the bathroom. “Thank you, Lewis.” I smiled at him as I stepped out and awkwardly rocked on my feet slightly in the tshirt and jogging bottoms that were clearly far too big for me. My wet hair cascaded down my back and my bare feet curled slightly out of awkwardness. “I’m sorry for making you wait so long.”

He didn’t say a word about how long it had actually been, in fact he didn’t say anything at all, he just stared at me, his eyes darting over every inch of my face, flashing with so many thoughts I couldn’t for the life of me understand any of them.

“You look breathtaking.” Came his response after a minute of me fidgeting with my bare feet. Nothing but sincerity could be found on his features as he dropped the book he had obviously been reading.

He too was dressed comfortably, he was sat up comfily in bed, an open book that most likely had his head buried in it, now sat in his lap, open but not even an after thought as he gazed at me.

“Was that you secretly complimenting your choice of clothes?” I asked after the shock of his confession. had passed over me. He chuckled but kept his eyes trained on me, it was making my stomach flutter and so I quickly changed the subject. “What book are you reading?”

lifted it very briefly before plopping it once again back down on his legs. “Great expectations, by Charles Dickens. It’s

reading, after the new world I didn’t really have the time to do any, I can’t even remember what my favorite book was.” He placed a small piece of paper into the page he was on and closing the book over quickly, before placing

walking over to the small shelf of books, pulling out an

must like the author.” My fingers gently stroked over

of the books

with a hum. I enjoy his use of language.” He stretched his arms over his head while I absentmindedly opened the book and quickly

my head up to him and smiled at the redness in his cheeks, before handing him the


Chapter 258

hearing his voice. He smiled quickly and slid under the quilt himself

did so immediately, and placed my head on his shoulder while his

was the best of times, it was the worst

is what I always imagined happiness

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