Chapter 0271

Chapter 271

Dylan POV

“The Royal Beta currently resides in Alpha Gilliards pack dungeon although I admit, I’m not sure how long he will actually be held down there.” I explained while looking directly at Alpha Dalton, as we conversed in his office within the pack house.

After I informed the mayor of the human district about the border to the sector closing, I left him to discuss it with his small population, while Owen accompanied me to the pack house. Once I was told me where the office was he went to find his mom while I instantly headed in his directions and began to explain in meticulous details about what had happened and what it was going to bring.

“Hold up, young lady, you’re telling me that the border of the entire sector is closed right this second? And Lord Oliver is being held in Gills pack dungeon?” I nodded my head and sighed at his bewildered expression. “And what of his grace? This will surely inform him of the rebellions location?”

the rebellions forces.” It actually ended up turning into an sound plan. Not to mention it opened up a plethora of doors for us to go through in order to get other districts on board. “Above all else, when the inevitable battle takes place it will do so on our soil, our area, one that we know well, we’ll have the upper hand, which in the kings case, cannot and will not hurt us.” I watched

to read like Gilliard. Alpha Dalton was quite intimidating, and I don’t feel that all that often, he was a very large, very tall man, who’s slicked back auburn hair,

appear all the more fierce. His thin lips naturally sat in a scowl however his eyes, although domineering, held a

just agree with you? You’ve put every district in this sector at risk. If you wish to rebel against the crown, then so be it, but you shouldn’t be forcing your ideals on to others who are just trying to…” I cut him off. I understood where he was coming from, I mean, this was a huge change, and it was one that had seemingly come out of nowhere. The borders closing was completely spare of the moment,

my interruption but, instead of showing complete outrage, he simply waited for me to explain. “Look, I know this is a shock, in honesty none of us really even thought it through until we had successfully closed the route.” He sat and pondered over my words, his face holding nothing but uncertainty. He most definitely lacked trust in me, Not that I blamed him, I was after all, still fairly new to living in


Chapter 271

to provide all the facts of the world and allow a decision to be made. You can call me reckless and even a simple minded a child if you so wish, but from what I have seen in this district alone,

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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