Chapter 0276

Chapter 276

“Well, this is it. I hope you get some sleep.” She stated before going off to do some more unfinished pack business, leaving me in the confines of yet another unfamiliar room.

It was big, and had a seated windowsill. A large wardrobe for clothes that I didn’t own, and a private on suite bathroom to the right. It was a standard room, at normally would have no been more than enough, but it wasn’t. It made my skin crawl for sor son, and the feeling of pure loneliness shot through me.

I tossed and turned drastically in bed, my heart rate picking up whenever my sight caught onto the the pure white ceiling, which reminded me so much of the palace.

1 sighed while looking at my hands in worry, the shake in them was becoming too noticeable for ignore now. I could feel my panic and anxiety radiating off of me ten fold and my breathing was

becoming laboured as a result of this.


Just as I was about to go to the bathroom to try and regain my senses by splashing some cold water on my face a soft knock sounded on the door. My head shot to the oak panel and widened my eyes when it opened revealing a slightly disgruntled Lewis.

“Just breathe ok?” I didn’t even have to say anything to him for him to know what was happening to

1. me. I was fighting my panic attack so much before that I hadn’t at all noticed how bad my breathing

saw him stood in the

sat in the unfamiliar bed, but the

comfortable at his

single tear trickled out. It was in record speed that the man reached me and pulled my into his chest. My arms wrapped around him effortlessly and my ear pressed firmly against his own racing heart,

simply made me angry. He hadn’t seen or heard.

He went quiet suddenly and looked at me with a surprised expression. All of a sudden my breathing regulated, and my temper

I made you

no. You haven’t done anything. It’s me, it’s just too difficult for me to be in the same room as you.” Now it was my turn to looked shocked. I thought he liked me, why wouldn’t he

thought you liked me? You said…” He cut me off, and raked his


Chapter 276

his hair in exasperation.

my hardest to show you that, but when I’m with you, I have urges that I’m finding really hard to control… Urges that you’re not ready

shocked, he’ll, I think

Dylan, what I want

ing that…”

do you know I’m not ready for things to go further when you barely even touch

“Dylan… I…”

sake Lewis… touch

Chapter Comments

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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