Chapter 0280

Chosen By The Moon

Chapter 280

Dylan POV.

“Someone had better be dying!”

I couldn’t help the awkward chuckle that left my mouth as Lewis rose from the bed to answer the door while I quickly scrambled to put my top back on.

I was reeling from the effect his lips alone had on me, nothing had ever felt more pleasurable than what I had just done with Lewis. My body radiated an energy that was begging for him to touch me again, my tiredness from earlier had completely disappeared and in it’s place there was a new found form of energy, one that only he could provide.

“That guy who got bitten… he’s starting to shift!” I heard Vees voice float through the room, and her words caused disbelief to overtake me. I guess Lewis’s statement was correct, someone really was dying. I quickly walked to the door and stood next to the old beta, my cheeks most likely were still flushed however my lust and longing had been squashed by Vees words,

“Have you seen him personally?” I asked which snapped her attention away from the fact the two of us looked disgruntled, and her eyes solely rested on my own.

had happened, she hadn’t been back to the safe zone as of yet, as he clothes hadn’t changed at all, she had

slight grin of my own, to which she

when I saw that he was trying to stifle a laugh. To be honest

be trusted?” I asked waiting for her honest reply to which

her head.

scoff at her words but I quickly reigned it in. Vee was obviously still in the thralls of this new found connection and I

for her.

King josh was simply barbaric from the get home, and my affection for Lewis didn’t happen over night, it came to me gradually, and

saw me now, I know she would scoff at


Chapter 280

that there are vast differences within the

back down to earth when my head became too


idea.” I stated which in turn had Vee smiling from ear to ear. “But Vee, if he does anything he

one eighty flip after meeting Oliver. I still didn’t understand how people

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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