Chapter 0287

Chapter 287

“Dylan, this isn’t you Lewis walked over to her and grabbed her wrist gently, I watched as her resolve. quickly faded away and sadness was all that was left.

She was sad, her eyes filling up as she spoke to Lewis. I guess they really were connected somehow, he had a way of calming her down, making her talk. I know Lewis chose her, but Dylan, she should be with Josh, right?

“I killed my dad! She stated, looking up at Lewis expecting to hear an onslaught of questions. “I shot him, the same way as this guy, the same as that kings warrior. This is just the me you’ve never seen. She then turned her attention back to Vee and spoke to her, even I had to admit, I was somewhat on Dylan’s side with her next statement. “The rebellion will fight with the king and his men soon enough, and it naive to think that people from both sides aren’t going to be killed, it’s easier when you can see and understand Who can be saved and ultimately, who can’t. That guy was going to die anyway, you saw all the blood coming out of his mouth. Would you have preferred to sit out here hearing the poor man yell and scream for the next hour, for the next two? He was begging for respite. He knew, it was his only

option, so did 1, and so did you.”

Dylan had officially impressed me. I understood now why she was known as a leader by so many people. She was young, but had a calculated head on her shoulders, despite her impulsive behavior. She knew that body counts were going to be high on both sides of the war, and she knew it was going to be herself that did some of the killing, and she had made peace with that. No one likes killing, but She was right,. at this point it was inevitable.

to her in respect of her actions. I didn’t like the girl, I doubt I ever would, but I understood

guys mate… That’s too far. The whole time Lewis just stared at her, and

if I ever did anything to hurt Vee, I’d expect

get justice for it. Not that I’d ever actually hurt her. I couldn’t understand how anyone could

their mates.



understanding. “But, I still need to know where she is, I’m going to be the one to tell her, because I won’t down play his suffering, and I think she should know exactly what following the king has lead to.” She turned to the guy again and swallowed thickly, clearly trying to bury her emotions on the subject. “We should move him, we can’t stay out in the open for too long. Can you twp get him back in the truck?” She looked at me

up much easier than before as he was no longer fighting the shift, blood dripped out of the small bullet hole in his

Chapter 287



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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