Chapter 0362

Now for some reason, all it seemed to take was one simple shot of what was essentially an epipen, for my eyes to widen and a shout of pure agony to ripple through me. Oh... I was being transferred by gurney as I saw the lights of the ceiling zoom past me and instantly squinted my eyes again.

My arms and legs began to thrash in the hopes that it would help my pain subside, but it was futile. My entire body was shutting down, and every limb felt as if it was engulfed in a flame that was impossible to put out, no matter how much I attempted it.

"Shit!" I heard a whisper, while I could still hear that bitch wailing behind me. If I had it my way, our situations would be completely reversed. "I'm going to put him under while we attempt to combat this bleeding. It'll be a miracle if he survives the night." My ears picked up the faint voice of the man, and another sharp pinch took over me, this time on my upper left arm, my body tried to fight the sleep inducing drug, but eventually I succumbed to it.

least I attempted to, but my body felt as heavy as cast iron... it was almost impossible to even

the fuck had she done

my eyes fully, Lorellia was at my side, stroking my head as I frowned at her. "I really thought I'd lost you for a minute. I don't know what i would have

the one to bite me, and she hadn't even been gentle about it.

begin to shake at my

also extremely frightened by her now, and so

have quite easily come from my

I had no idea what was going to happen, I didn't even know what it meant to be forcefully

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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