Chapter 0374

"I just don't want to see you get hurt again, there's nothing I can do when your dad has a go at you, and it makes..." we were cut off from our conversation by my sister and her mate practically running into the sitting room. Arya looked worried while Nick simply wore shock as his main expression.

"Adrian..." Goddess I jumped out of my skin when my sister charged in. Her face showing nothing but panic. "Father found out we've been allowing Nick to visit his dad." Oh shit... that in itself is against the rules. "He's just gone ballistic at me." Arya was clearly shook up, her hands trembled as they clutched onto her mate who simply stood still shook up by whatever had happened.

"Did he do anything to you?" Jana was quick to peel herself off of me and walk over to my sister, gently placing her hand on her arm.

on his cheek bone. That would most likely cause his eye to swell too. "Why is it so wrong for Nick to be able to see his family?" I

about it?" I strongly doubted that someone would have willingly told father of their meetings. Nick was barely gone for 90 minutes at a time, so the notion that

her mates hand tightly while frowning

only us who know about it... Jana, you didn't tell anyone did you?" As soon as the words left my lips I regretted even asking them. My simple question was taken completely out of context, my mates face

fresh tears quickly falling down her cheeks. "You never take my side. If you don't want to

it was I had done wrong. I only asked a simple question, I think Jana

We we're always arguing about something. Jana just didn't understand that humans needed help, she was

You need to go after her Adrian, your arguing is getting too frequent." Aria was right of course, about going after her, not about accusing her. I just sighed, Jana would be alright for a few hours, I didn't have time to hold her hand after every single argument, besides

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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