freedom, offering herself up as collateral damage.

Everything in my body told me that she was still inside these walls, but there was a part of me that knew she was reckless enough to attempt a rescue mission alone. With the way she loved Lewis, it honestly wouldn't surprise me if she would sacrifice herself for his "You better hope for your sake that she hasn't." I stormed out of there and made my way to the medical wing, maybe she thought that's where I had sent Oliver... Nope.

I checked the kitchen, and once again she was no where to be found.

Maybe she really had gone off. My heart sank further into my chest, my fear enveloping mead I charged to the last place I could think of, my office.

On the way however one of the younger lycans in my pack, gingerly came through my mindlink. His voice holding a somewhat nervous tone.

"Alpha Gilliard? I think I've found her grace." Why did he sound so worried?


"The supply closet, on the first floor."

I stood and racing back down the many steps I had now both ascended and descended numerous time within the span of twenty minutes. I stopped when I came face to face with a pup, who must have

fixed my disgruntled attire slightly and walked closer

think she

the door and throwing it open, shocked by the sight in front

hand rested firmly on her chest, tears streamed out of her eyes and down her


closing the door behind us

the throws of

pretend ease onto her, but instead a strained sound came from her lips. I crouched down lowly in order to be at her eye level


attacks, but he never went into detail about how bad they could be or how he managed to calm her down, and honestly, I had never had to help anyone in this manner before. honesty, I probably wasn't the best person for

the worst thing I could have said to anyone, never mind Dylan. I raised my hand in order to place it on her shoulder for comfort, but for some reason thesitated. In a

awkward fashion, that cred

position, I patted her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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