Chapter 0441

I knew it was useless, I knew that her body was too damaged for anyone to do anything for her, we all at least had to try, right? I mean, she had given everything to the rebellion, she had given everything to her fight for equality. Even before she had met the king. I fell only once, landing on my knees hard and dropping my beautiful lifeless mate as gently as I could while biting back a scream of pain. I would never be able to make it to the medical unit in the shape I was in. I frowned, forcing my body to stand again and scooped Dylan back into my arms, finally allowing my tears to stream down my face as her body slowly began to cool in my grasp.

It wasn't long before Oliver was spotted, running like a maniac towards me and my girl with a gurney, a nurse and bloody Ryan Clarke in tow. I let out an instant sigh of relief when they got close enough for me to lay her down.

"Good God!" We're the only two words uttered. Dylan's friend was in complete and utter dismay at the state of Dylan. She wasn't in a condition for any close friend to see.

"Help... her..." I was able to muster up enough energy before falling forward myself from exhaustion. I didn't blackout, but my eyes closed for a split second before I realized that my body was out of my control.

"Myla Bring that chair over... NOW!" Ryan Clarke yelled at the nurse, who instantly scurried over with a wheelchair while Dylan was already being hastily wheeled in on her gurney by Oliver. "Here." I Grunted when Clarkes calloused hand gripped my waist and hurled me up with all the strength he possessed, he plopped me down on the wheelchair and nodded his head to the girl who ran after my mate and friend in order to help them. "You look like hell!" Was his only response as he began to hastily wheel me into the safe haven behind my girl.

I could feel his concern for Dylan emitting from his now shaking body, his sight was firmly planted in the exact same spot as mine, the speeding gurney which we had somehow managed to catch up with. The first person to greet us was Trina, Gilliards mate.

to us and her blatant sorrow was replaced by utter shock


at the sight of our queen. Ladmit to her truly being quite a grotesque sight, however even in death she radiated beauty to me. "VEE?! Get the defibrillator on..." I had no idea why she looked so distraught before hand but in that moment, I just


as she entered all the chatter stopped instantly, people seemed to

me some

lifeless his face dropped drastically. Dr Saki quickly came to his side

bleeding, due to the failure of her heart. Her practically severed arm had been the first body part to turn

Sakis face said it all, however couldn't

minutes." Oliver answered as the entire room went silent, we all knew

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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