
Chapter 2

The world before the System Descent is mystery to us now, any records of that time disappeared during the Rending or were lost in the centuries since. How did those people judge each other, unable to view themselves with perfect numerical accuracy as we so easily can today?

Was that society a more equitable place? When the worth of a human being can be weighed with such precision, strict roles and structures are easy to maintain, perhaps back then, when the qualities of each individual were more nebulous, it allowed greater freedom, greater choice in a persons' life? Many believe the System elevated us, empowered us to fight back against the great cataclysm, but many of the wise question this narrative, we know what we gained in the Descent, but we can no longer recall what we lost.

Exert from page 15 of "Ruminations on the pre-Descent society" by Illarion the heretic.


Okay. So I have a skill point and a body point to spend? If this is a game-like situation then I would be able to open some sort of menu in order to spend my points and improve myself. How do I access this menu here in my tunnel though?

Erm. Level up!

No, that didn't work.

Escape! Escape key!

… Nothing.

I mean, worth a shot right?




Name: Anthony

Level: 1



Cunning: 25

Will: 18

HP: 30

MP: 0

Skills: Digging level 1; Acid Shot Level 1; Grip Level 3; Bite Level 2

Species: Hatchling Ant Worker (Formica)

Biomass: 1

Skill Points: 1

Wow, this is really interesting! My status huh?

The first time I saw these numbers I thought they looked high but perhaps they are actually really low? I can't imagine a hatchling ant worker has an impressive status in any way. And what are these skills?

Does this mean I can hold onto

objects without letting go, for example, walking

savior! Truly

status to

totally forgot ants could do that. I'll

do my other skills

accurately and forcefully apply a bite using fangs, mandibles or

guidance when digging to

accuracy when attempting to attack from a distance using a natural acid from the


of formic acid spraying ant then. This could be very helpful, it gives me an option to attack without getting too close to my opponent, a course of action that I think would, at the moment, lead to

on the roof, dig and shoot acid? That doesn't seem

am, I have no idea what kind of creatures live in this place other than ants like me and Croca-beasts, I've no idea where the surface is or if the surface even exists

if I want any information I'll have to get it myself. Out,



knows how many unknown horrors as a lone little ant

Came down Anthony, stay cool. Panic will not help this situation in any

what can I spend my points on

you like to spend

absolutely would oh wise and magnificent Gandalf, bringer of hope, bringer of light, may your beard

with my status, a window opens within my

Skill points: 1

Biomass: 1

purchase new

or modify

[Skills available to purchase:

cost 1sp, improves your ability to hide and move

speed over short distances but increases stamina

1 sp, more accurate and powerful

cost 1sp, bites pierce more and

sp, improves sense

available to

to improve resistance to

toughen mandibles and improve their ability

Legs +1: improve agility

Eyes +1: improve eyesight

increase sensitivity to

the concentration of internal

of options! It's very difficult to choose! I have to

enemies, tunnel sense would make it harder for me to get lost whilst underground, chomp and acid would

survival. I can only improve and grow here if I can survive. Taking abilities to help me fight would only be suicide, if I attack a monster I can't defeat then it'll be game over straight away, improving my

ant worker, I have to assume I am

I have made my


purchase Eyes +1 and the

Yes, please.

a maddening itch burst over my eyes, like


Gandalf! I can't even scratch this itch,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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