
Chapter 15

This world contains a bizarrely game-like system. The information I’m in need of most is exactly how this system functions, for example, how does the system award XP when a monster dies?

Is it divided evenly amongst everything that caused damage? Or is all of the experience awarded to the one who deals the final blow? I’ve never received a system announcement awarding experience during combat, only after the prey has expired.

So I can assume that only when something dies is XP awarded for it.

Let’s test a few theories then.

As I draw near the sounds of combat are growing louder and louder. Sticking to the shadows I peer around the rock crevices to identify the combatants.

Locked in furious battle I see four of the filthy claw centipedes and a croca-beast.

By the shining beard of Gandalf I hate those stupid centipedes, they think they’re so great! The four crawling monstrosities have surrounded the much larger, hulking, walking croc, advancing and retreating to distract their foe and create chances for the others.

The croca-beast is doing its best to watch all of its opponents but they are simply too slippery, always moving, circling and feinting. The beast has already been wounded in several places, green ichor can be seen leaking from wounds on the creature. It isn’t going down without a fight though, one centipede already lies twitching at its feet, completely torn in half.



The monsters whirl in deadly combat, swinging claws and chomping fangs!

This is quite thrilling!

I try to keep an eye on my surroundings however. The last thing I want is one of those stupid slugs to slide up and eat me when I’m not looking. Surprisingly, it seems as though most monsters are giving this fight a wide berth, unwilling to get dragged in to a fight between such dangerous opponents.

I’m happy to chip in however.

The croca is snapping its jaws towards one centipede whilst using its claws ward of the others. Its tail swings furiously behind it, trying to defend its vulnerable back as it turns. Suddenly it coils up, crouching low.

This is it!

I hurriedly turn and begin to take aim and as the croca launches itself forward at one of its tormentors, I fire a blast at one of the centipedes, drenching the foul thing in my acid.

As quickly as I can I re-aim and fire another shot at the croca itself, splashing the burning liquid down its left side.

from side to side it snaps repeatedly down,

has left itself open to retaliation, the remaining three centipedes, including the victim of my sneak attack, heave leapt forth, unwilling to let this chance slip. By taking advantage of the certain death

of the centipedes rears up the end of its body, displaying a spike which it flips forward and

its head snaps the centipede in half, flinging pieces away into the darkness, before turning on the remaining

the poison and damage already done to wear down their prey. The target of my attack has withdrawn further that the others, playing extra defensive at it hisses and clacks at


Over here!

fire a burst at that centipede, splashing it squarely on the tail. The creature shrieks and squirms about, clacking fiercely as it attempts to locate my hiding place with its beady

No such luck, pinchy!

joining in, I doubt the centipedes would

and prepare to

air. The eyes of the beast are still alive with fury however and the centipedes give due respect to their monstrous opponent and continue to wait it

back too far away from the croca-beast,

put up much of a fight. Every breath is a labour at this point. Its blurry eyes lock onto its final target, the wounded centipede I have


as it goes. The wounded centipede darts to one side as the others once again close in on the beast from behind but

game the centipedes played has weakened the croca significantly but it has also worked in



but doesn’t fall. Combine with the acid attacks

croca, immediately after the furious attack, it collapses to the floor, spent of all its

heart pounds in my tiny ant

the finishing blow I once again take aim. This is the last of my acid for the time being, this shot has


fires true, straight onto the wounded

as the hateful acid burns away at it once

very little sympathy for these clawed centipedes. Hopefully not

collapsed croca beast and finishing it off. As


No system announcement.

This means that being part of a

Level 3

[You have gained XP]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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