
Chapter 19

This is clearly one ticked off slug. I really wish I had considered what I would do if the monster turned out to be an acid spitting nightmare of death.

Too late to weep ant tears, since ants can’t cry anyway. Only thing to do is finish off this slug. The problem is that I have a limited supply of acid within me, usually only three or four shots worth at a time. I haven’t managed to time exactly how long it takes to regenerate each blast yet so after firing one more round I won’t know how long it will take until another becomes available.

Since I can’t really attack the slug with my mandibles, the acid is my only option. Somehow I have to land a decisive blow with my final acid attack.

I can think of one strategy but I really don’t want to have to take such a risk!

Why have you forced me into this situation Gandalf!? If I wasn’t in such a hurry I’d never even consider this!

Gritting my mandibles I begin to move towards the slug, trying to keep my profile low by moving between uneven folds in the rock wall.

[Grip has reached level 4]

Finally! How long do I have to scramble about on walls and ceilings before this skill will level up?! Perhaps I it only really considers time I spend fighting whilst on walls?

No time to worry about it now, battle is at hand!

The slug is moving through its own acid now, sliding over the adhesive muck without taking any damage, probably protected by its slime barrier. I think the monster usually hunts by immobilizing and burning its foe with this stuff before closing in for the feast.

Here goes nothing.

I’ve managed to close to within ten metres of the slug. I’m sure its seen me moving closer but probably hasn’t been able to pinpoint me. Seemingly unfazed the slug continues to advance towards my location.

I take a deep breath and then attempt my strategy. Leaping to a standing position, I proudly present my backside to the slug, waggling it about in front of the creatures disbelieving eye stalks.

Get an eyeful slug! Like what you see?

Apparently even a monstrous slug creature over two metres long is unsure how to react to an ant wiggling its bum at it. The creature pauses is shock before rearing back with its toothy mouth wide open.

Now! Fire!

[Acid Shot has reached Level 4]

perfect even Gandalf

its body, preparing to lunge

slug contorts itself in response, falling off the wall and slapping wetly against the floor where it continues to writhe as the acid burns away inside it. The rocky protrusions along its back scrape and scratch against the stone with loud rasping noises. Hopefully nothing

A flawless plan!

baiting the monster I’d be able to fire a critical shot inside its mouth, which I’d figured would be the only way I could

to obverse my victim as it

mean, I hope

have defeated Level

[You have gained XP]

gone limp, a two meter long sludgy picture of disgusting

the task of consuming my

it... Do I

ant could vomit I’d be

molluscs like snails all the time! You can’t afford to turn up your nose


layer. The creature isn’t producing slime anymore but most parts of it are still coated

soak away the slime I clean off one half before I start to eat it. I only manage to get

source of biomass: Alcyoneum Slug. You are awarded one

profile of the Alcyoneum Slug

Slug, This creature uses powerful acid to attack its foes, before wary of the


I’d though, I mean, the texture

immediately so I quickly dig a hole in the wall and bury it before returning to my nest. I can’t rest on my laurels now even if I did just have survive a nasty fight. Time

acid, my primary weapon, to +2 and after enduring the mutation I return to the cavern to scout for more prey. I can vaguely feel the acid inside my acid gland building up again slowly, I think at the moment I only have one shot, not enough to take on

to my Grip skill is scarcely noticeable, I can tell that its slightly easier to carry my weight as I crawl about on the ceiling, but that seems to be it. Any advantage at all is well worth it I suppose. I wonder what Grip

tunnel, searching for opportunities. I can see monsters moving in small groups here and there, a pair of lizard hounds are sniffing about and a group of claw centipedes similarly snooping, sliding around rocks and up onto the walls, looking

my eye I happen to see a flicker of movement and I turn just in

feeling nostalgic for the very first hunt. I haven’t seen another one of these creatures since the first

next prey is

acid to battle the creature. I won’t try and prepare a trap again, I’ll

the lizard and try to track it down. Using my improved antennae and eyesight I’m eventually able to spot it tucked up against the rock, resting.

looking for footholds as I position myself for the shot I want to take. I only have enough ’juice’ in the tank for one shot, possibly two. If I want to succeed in this hunt then I need to make it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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