
Chapter 26

Actually scratch that, now Gandalf! Now!

[Would you like to improve Bite to Crushing Bite? This will cost 1sp]


Before the Croc can react I rear back and chomp down on its leg once again, trying to inflict some damage and drag the creature off its feet.

As I prepare to bite, something shocking occurs!

My mandibles begin to glow faintly and I can feel a new strength building within them. Is this my new skill?! Some sort of active attack?! Finally!

When I bite down with all my power the feeling of crunching scales reverberates through my jaws. This bite is so much more powerful!

The success of my strike has shocked me, causing me to pause momentarily and the Croc leaps at this chance!

Sacrificing its own balance it turns and falls, swinging out with its tail and catching me a solid blow across my body!


The impact sends me flying three meters! Once again pain explodes in my side but I push it away. I cannot lose this fight, I will not lose this fight!

I’ve taken a fair bit of damage from that impact, my carapace has been cracked in a few places and I think one of legs may be broken.

As I steadily pull myself to my feet I check my status, yep, HP has been cut in half!

The Croc must be suffering just as much. This is the final showdown!

Indeed my opponent is struggling hard. Suffering continuous damage from my earlier acid attacks, not to mention the internal damage from the acid to the mouth, and now my new crushing bite has caused a severe wound to its leg. As I watch the Croc is attempting to get back onto its feet, I won’t let it!

One leg dragging uselessly behind me I stumble forward to pressure the foe, lunging and darting at it, not letting it relax and stand. The Croc has a newfound fear of my mandibles, not willing to let me get a good bite in it keeps swiping with claws and snapping its jaws, preventing it from standing up.

Time is on my side in this battle, as long as I stay out of reach I’ll be able to outlast it.

The Croc knows this too however, rolling and twisting it flails out with its tail one more time, the long appendage whipping out with lightning speed!


With only five functional legs I leap as high as I can and pull my legs tightly under my body. Missing by millimeters the tail brushes the air beneath me, the incredible momentum of the strike throwing the Croc onto its face.


crocs’ back where it cannot reach with its claws or teeth


Gradually the accumulated damage it too much for it take. It moves less

defeated level

[You have gained XP]

level 2, one

achieved level 3, one



walking past would treated to the truly bizarre sight of a monstrous ant, standing on the back of its defeated foe and lifting its two front legs in the air, roaring

a few grunts of male

I feel mighty in

was so intense! I was driven to my limits, experienced tremendous


clean off! It stings Gandalf! It stings real

and regenerate my HP.

of Biomass: Garralosh Infantem, you are awarded one

profile of the Garralosh

Garralosh, this advanced creature is powerful, beware the crushing

infants?! What the heck is Garralosh? Are

about it

a further three Biomass from the ...

What a haul!

consuming the creature my HP has recovered to 23/30 as well, giving me

the open. I decide to search for a section of soft ground and excavate myself a

digging straight down and then across to make

but I’d rather have this at the minimum than no


of that fight. I came close to death on multiple occasions but was able to pull through and win

nothing I’ve experienced before. I can understand now why some people are such thrill seekers back on Earth! But this goes beyond anything they could hope to experience, this was a real life or

gone into that fight if the Croc hadn’t been injured in the first place. This was a lucky encounter and I can’t let my victory get to my

spend my

Crushing Bite skill I decide to upgrade my Mandibles twice, using three of my Biomass and spend the last one on upgrading my

broaden my offensive options and provide

process (I hate it soooo much!) it’s finally time to spend my

this is unprecedented wealth. My power is growing

see all the skills I had

Increases speed over

1 sp, more accurate and powerful

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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