
Chapter 29

New learnings!

So I’m able to consume the cores of my fellow monsters in order to reinforce my own, and this has the effect of increasing my max MP?

Fantastic! This means I’ll be able to practice one extra time when I do my mana manipulation practice. It also means I’ve learned one more thing about the system that governs my growth in this place.

If I want to gain more and more MP then I need to consume monster cores to do so.

That feels like it would be a massive challenge though, in order for a monster to have a monster core it must have reached max level and spent an evolution on it. By definition that means the monster will be strong, not something I’ll usually be able to mess with.

I was lucky this time. I can’t expect I’ll be able to gain more monster cores this easily in the future.

Enough thinking! Time to chase after the Titan-Croc.

Even if it isn’t rushing, the sheer size of that monster means it moves fairly quickly and I really have to hustle to get back into my shadowing position behind the massive tail trailing behind the beast as it moves.

It isn’t long before we finally reach the place this unstoppable beast has been heading toward this whole time.

The forest suddenly gives way and an open vista appears before me.

It’s a lake.

A huge body of water, glowing with incredible light occupies a large clearing. After travelling for over an hour we have moved toward that center of this huge cavern, but something tells me we haven’t even reached it yet.

This lake is easily a hundred metres across, I can even see small rivers and tributaries running off it. I suspect this lake is fed from an underground source, the water flowing up from beneath the rocky bed and then overflowing to create these small streams.

What really dazzles me is the twisting ropes of blue light that rotate slowly around each other in a slow dance within the water. Almost like a double helix pattern. These ropes appeared to be connected to the source of the lake and drifted around, pushed by some invisible current.


I had seen this phenomenon before in the rock pool above but it had been far, far weaker, the twisting ropes had been almost invisible. Even so, the water had been suffused with mana, causing it to draw monsters from all over the cavern to drink and absorb the energy, trying to condense their cores.

This water must have truly dense mana in it!

the water source to drink and absorb the energy. Perhaps a good chunk of these monsters had already condensed their core and were just restoring MP they had used

could already see a huge range of monsters,

tangle of the basic centipedes is here, I think I glimpsed inside a slightly different one, something about its colour or shape but it was concealed within the writhing bodies

cub is here, larger and more intimidating that before, it has what

make out the details but the air seems to be shimmering with heat haze right around its

Surely not?

before. A gorilla looking thing with massive, thick arms and a bat-like face, smaller monkey

can see a few of those gargoyle like

Lizard, not much larger than the original

had the appearance of an armoured bison of some kind. Built with its legs low to the ground and thick plates of a rock looking substance protecting its face

variety of them was dizzying. Just how many different types of

to be a real pain trying to remember all off

me to deal

space for it. I can see the area the Croca has settled in is a large, flattened muddy zone where

good to be the

the lake there isn’t anything that

the heck was a Garralosh

hold here as well I move a little ways around from the Croc and approach the waters’ edge




is that after the feeling floods through my whole body it then recedes back, like ocean water from a beach, drawing further and further in until


Right on!

in order to refill myself to max and then sit for a moment until

essentially refill my MP for free, this is a perfect opportunity to train my mana manipulation skill. I can grind non-stop until hunger

for a place soft enough for me to construct a basic hiding hole and get

flopping, I’m thinking that the

immediately, bringing it out of by core and directing it to my throat, letting it build up before


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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