
Chapter 32

The fireball streaks out of my sight like a meteor, but I don't have to wonder what happened. Immediately a tremendous shake rocks the ground accompanied by a massive explosion, lighting up the area with a brilliant flash of light.

The roars and screams of monsters below immediately fills the air. That blast must have wounded quite a number and aggravated a heck of a lot more. I can see the other four humans are chuckling to each other as they brandish their weapons and begin to advance down the hill towards the lake, out of my sight.

The spell caster remains on the hill. I think its female? I'm finding it hard to tell, perhaps my eyes are still too poor to discern those details. She begins to prepare more spells, not quite of the same size as before, conjuring flaming lances out of thin air and sending them streaking into the monsters below.

It feels strange to see the peace of the lake broken in this way.

I mean, I shouldn't be surprised right?

Imaging that humans had come across a valuable resource, would they share it? If they had the strength to take and monopolise it, would they leave it be and allow others to use it? I don't think they would. They would lie in ambush and kill those who came. They would build fences and walls to keep others out. They would keep everything they could to themselves and grow their strength so that they could take and keep even more.

The monsters here in this place are very stupid. If we look at the stats in the system, I can imagine most monsters I've seen have a cunning less than ten. They can be tricked, baited and trapped easily.

For some reason they don't even think of taking and controlling the resource that is the mana lake. They don't even fight there, ensuring that they themselves and others can benefit. From a human standpoint, it's stupid.

Not to mention, what are monsters to humans anyway? Just resources, just experience. If I'd been born a human I'd be doing just what they are doing, right? I'd be attacking monsters and gaining XP, taking their cores to sell and celebrating.

But I wasn't born a human in this world.

I was born something else.

A monster.

And for some reason, seeing these humans here, breaking the peace of the lake.

It just really pisses me off.

I don't think too much, I just turn, take aim, and fire.


directly towards the female mage. I've aimed directly toward the


impacts a barrier of some kind, spreading over the surface to reveal

around, trying to locate this source of this surprise attack, but I've buried myself back

detect me using a spell of crystal like the guards in the upper cavern, but after staring hard at the terrain she


I can hear the acid sizzling as it tries to chew

hand, scorching the area behind her, sweeping the

I'm not that close.

searing flames twinge my still healing antennae. Good lord

even sure what it is I

wanted her to stop

Anthony, what the heck are

flaming wreckage of the forest immediately behind her, trying to identify the pesky

I am not about to show

and not finding what she is looking for but her attention is dragged

allies are probably relying on her support as they fight the

to me once more I take a little time to reposition myself, darting out of my cover to move slightly further away.

lances begin as a hovering ball of dense fire before they streak forward, accelerating until they resemble a long spear of pure


acid shot has reached


the acid still impacts against that invisible barrier,

expect is

sound the barrier vanishes and the acid which had been covering the surface

acid begins eating into her robes and stops casting her spells instantly, trying to brush away the offending acid and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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