
Chapter 47

As I run along the trail I decide to quickly spend the Biomass that I have in order to improve my abilities slightly. If I’m running into another massive battle against gigantic monsters then I want to be at my best. I’ll leave the skill points until later, I’m really hoping that once I master Mana Manipulation I’ll be able to purchase more magic based skills, but at the very least I want to quickly upgrade a few things.

With three points to spend I upgrade my regeneration to +1 as I’d promised myself I would do and then my carapace to +2. Getting a little tougher and more survivable seems like a good move.

Although I do want to save up and get my mandibles to +5 so I can choose an upgrade... I’ll have to do that next.

Enduring the painful itching feeling of mutation I race off down the trail with other ants boiling out of the hill behind me and my cheerfully yelping mini Bat-Gorilla on my back.

Exactly how I’ll be able to fight with this fellow around I’m not sure but I guess I’ll figure it out as I go. Hopefully he’ll be smart enough not to get himself killed. If he were to die in a stupid way it would double the pain of losing that monster core!

I intend to get some work out of you mini ape! You need to pay me back on my investment!

After we run along the trail I find that we’ve approached the wall on the outer edge of the space. Wow. This feels like it’s a long way from the lake, exactly how far from the nest are these guys wandering, to get all the way to the center of the this place from close to the wall? I can see a small tunnel opening or cave in the wall and ants are bustling at the entrance, battling against something inside. It looks like we are raiding a monster nest? Judging by the size of the opening it shouldn’t be anything too massive so I readily charge towards the opening, ready to assist my brethren.

As I approach the noise and din of monster battle fills my ears, growling, roaring and thudding impacts from our opponents but an almost eerie silence from the ants as they advance endlessly.

You guys seriously don’t care about your own lives do you?

I can minimise casualties if I can get myself to the frontline quickly. Brushing aside my smaller brethren I bull my way forward until I come face to face with our foe, a pack of Dragon Wolf cubs that have made their home here in this cave.

There must be eight or nine of them in here! Several ants have already suffered severe damage from the fearsome impact generated by those scaled tails. I’m no longer scared of these unevolved monsters, particularly with an army of thirty ants behind me!


foes, gripping my back with all his strength and keeping his down as

when you’re a bit bigger they’ll be frightened of you, but

my improved toughness and regenerative gland ready to go I don’ t care about taking a bit of damage and

to bring its tail around for a devastating smash

Crushing bite!

I catch the offending tail is my mandibles! Take this! Chomp! My powerful mandibles tear through the thick muscle and sever


I was before! Some of the hounds turn to bite and scratch at me, inflicting minor damage but I shrug it off and


leg, crushing the limb and reducing the enemies mobility drastically. Shrugging off a few more blows I push past the

my scratches and regaining my Hp. Now that I’ve pushed past


the cubs ranks, sending them into a frenzy as the burning acid begins its deadly work. As soon as it impacts the liquid hardens, restricting their movement and

their backs to the rest of the invasion force who capitalise by pressing forward, literally climbing over each

the more numerous ants

occasional bite but letting the rest of the workers do the bulk of the fighting. At least this way they get to level their skills. However, I need to be sure that I

Crushing Bite!

a heavily wounded Wolf I deliver the final

level four Dragon Wolf

[You have gained experience]

And another!

level two

[You have gained experience]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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