
Chapter 56

More and more reinforcements appeared, plunging directly into battle without fanfare.

I was once again struck by the coordination and eerie silent aggression of the ants.

If a wave of soldiers were to appear, their gallant charge would be accompanied by shouted battle cries, faces adorned with noble expressions of sacrifice, determination and the thirst for victory.

This scene would stir the hearts of all who saw it, bringing tears to the eyes of elf maidens as they hastily composed epic poetry and songs about the dashing heroes who had so boldly, so heroically gone into battle that day, songs that would live on forever.

This moving scene would never occur when the colony advanced into battle however.

The workers made no sound, no battle cry, as they advanced on the enemy. As soon as the ants were close enough to detect the battle they simple ran forward to engage the foe, their cold eyes showed not a flicker of fear, hesitation, joy or triumph.

To me, this behaviour is heroic in another way. The ants are truly selfless, not considering preserving their own health, willing to sacrifice their life at a moment's notice to further the growth the colony. They needed no high ideals to do this, they were not seeking reward or riches, in the minds of the workers this was their task, their job, their purpose in life.

I appreciate you workers! Even if nobody else cares, I Anthony, am deeply moved by your single minded dedication!

Viva the workers!

Viva the colony!

and cut it down to all the time I spent charging

workforce. After evolving and levelling up I doubt I'd be able to benefit much from these apes anyway. Instead of taking all of the resources for myself I'll help the colony by creating opportunities for

have engaged in bitter combat by this time, gradually overwhelming the apes with their vicious

increasingly chaotic as acid rains from the sky upon ants and apes locked in deadly combat. Everywhere I turn there are groups of monsters battling to the death, workers

What a vicious melee!

a worker will become surrounded or threatened. With all of these factors working together it isn't long before the entire horde of spark chimps has been

I survey the battlefield. Workers are picking through the remains of the apes, some of them already eating, others picking up the food and beginning to transport it back to the

much food the colony needs and will be sure that any excess isn't wasted. Particularly since the first creature to

amass Biomass points. Since we have successfully secured more food than the colony realistically needs to keep all of the members going today, the workers will take it all for themselves rather than

this way my

to mention the huge amount of Biomass consumed will allow many of the ants to mutate and improve the performance of their bodies. This will make the workforce more effective in fighting and growing the colony which will in turn allow the workers to amass more experience and Biomass as they battle, creating a positive feedback loop that I have no intention of

no, get ready workers, there are no breaks on this


an increasingly rapid pace at the moment, almost visibly growing with every passing meal. It won't be long before he doesn't comfortably fit on back and will have to get around on his two

About time you slacker!

already and I'll stick to my commitment to prioritise its growth. If I'm going to

ample food for the time being I'll

at the moment! In addition to fuelling the growth of the colony I want to find more monster cores so I can reinforce myself to the limit before evolution as well as level

you are

some of the ants being injured was inevitable. I'm pleased enough that there were no casualties

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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