
Chapter 58

The acid sizzles as it arcs through the air towards the two prowling wolf dragons. It’s unfortunate that they had their backs to me and I wasn’t able to aim for their faces, still, with a satisfying splash my first salvo hits just above the front left leg of my target.

Just after the first shot strike I launch my second!


Without time to aim carefully this shot isn’t nearly as accurate, catching the second monster on the flank.

Both creatures immediately snarl viciously as the acid begins its deadly work, sticking and hardening even as it begins to eat away into their body.

I’m very satisfied with the first shot, catching the wolf dragon just above its leg will hopefully work well to restrict its mobility, something these monsters have in spades. The second is a little unfortunate but with the time restraints I wasn’t prepared to take the risk and potentially miss completely so I aimed for a much broader area.

I don’t want to underestimate these creatures, they look powerful and extremely fast, with their long legs and powerfully built bodies I’m sure they would outpace me on open ground. I’m aiming to use my acid to maximum effect by restraining their speed and getting early damage in before they close with me.

Once they recover from their initial shock the two monsters react quickly, springing apart and running into the woods even as they roar as the acid slowly bites into them.

Thankfully the first target I hit is already showing slightly reduced speed, that one leg not moving as freely as it could.

Even as they run the two monsters are constantly scanning their surroundings with all of their senses. Since these guys are part wolf I assume they have inherited a powerful sense of smell. I highly doubt they have those large snouts for nothing!

Fortunately my stealth displays its strength at this moment. I remain as still as possible, maximising the benefit of my skill and the two large monsters are unable to pinpoint my location, even if they have a good idea where the shots came from based on the impact they experienced.

Still as a harmless mouse I wait, perched amongst the branches towards the top of my tree. As I hide, I watch, like a hawk, as the two wolves slow down and start prowling. Rumbling growls are emitted by the two monsters as they stalk the area, hunting for my trail.


Exactly as I planned.

slow down I once again take careful aim, looking over my shoulder to



its face, covering its eyes and nose before

you stupid

its paws and when that fails it starts to furiously rub its head into the vegetation and dirt in a frantic effort

my restrictive acid isn’t so easy

last shot has revealed my location at last and the second hound glares up

Hello down there!

That strange metallic tail crashes into the tree, at the moment of

you serious Gandalf?! He smashed straight through this trunk

I have time to

the tree begins to rapidly collapse to the ground. Before the tree hits the ground I throw myself clear of my perch, using all of my legs to push off as hard as I can. I can only hope that I manage to

I hit the ground and roll, yelping in indignation as he smacks into the dirt nearby. Hopefully he’ll be ok, I don’t have enough time to worry about my small ape companion at the present moment since I’m terrified a rather large part wolf, part dragon monster may be about to pounce and smash my

when I finally manage to right myself and take in my

hell did these

the most demonic looking rabbits I have ever seen or imagined. Bristling black fur, gleaming red eyes, savagely muscled frames and instead of the usual charming rabbit front teeth, vicious fangs protrude

are dozens

larger than a hatchling worker. Immediately they pounce upon the two wolf-dragons, gnawing and biting at the much larger creatures, I even see some jump with their powerful hind legs, turn in the air and deliver powerful kicks to

Hey! Those are mine!

woods to steal the Biomass out from under my very nose! I should probably have expected this. The forest is so packed full of monsters now that fighting almost anywhere is bound

these pesky poaching rabbits! No matter

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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