
Chapter 63

The aftermath of a monster battle is a fairly gruesome place, especially when it’s ants picking over the field.

This area of the forest has a veritable carpet of deceased monsters. Black furred rabbits mixed with centipedes and the two wolf-dragons cover the ground. On top of them the ants make another layer, bustling with insect urgency. Their job is now the rather messy work of butchery. Most of these workers are still hatchlings, only a few having evolved into mature workers like me. This means they can’t carry an entire monster body back into the nest in one go, instead they are forced to break up the food and transport it in pieces.

All around me this somewhat distasteful work is being done, workers using their mandibles to carve away at the food at then lifting their prize and merrily sprinting off towards the nest in order to make their delivery as quickly as possible and return for more.

Even with over sixty workers here it is going to take a little while before the work is done.

With the Queen now having retreated back to the nest I’ve decided to stick around until the workers have completed their task. If more monsters come to act the vulture and try to steal our hard won prize I want to be here to help defend it. I didn’t work this hard and make the Queen mad just to risk losing everything we worked for!

Still, looking over the remains of the battlefield I feel a slight sense of accomplishment. Each of those monster bodies represents experience that has been funnelled into the workers already, fuelling their growth and bringing more and more of them closer to evolution.

As long as the colony can last until the next generation emerges then we will be in a tremendous spot, growing explosively and becoming much safer.

Tiny has already leapt from my back and started to feast, his little hands shovelling the Biomass into his face with incredible speed.

Slow down there little buddy.. You might get a stomach ache.

I’m pleased to see his increased appetite, the sooner he grows and begins to show the fearsome strength of the monster I took the core from the better off we’ll be. Recalling that his core came from creature strong enough to go toe to toe with a Titan-Croc makes me hopeful that Tiny will be able to exert that same kind of strength in the future.

With all of the monsters here focused on the Biomass I have a different prize in my sights.

There are a few large, evolved monsters here and I am desperately hoping that they will have some cores for me. I refuse to evolve without maxing out my core!

I move over to the two wolf-dragons first and begin chewing through them, not just gaining Biomass but also hunting for a possible core. My own core is deep within the center of my body and it has been thereabouts in every monster I’ve found it in so far, so I have to eat my way down to find it.

I gain two Biomass from the first before I decide there probably isn’t a core and rather than finish it off I rush to the other one, pushing a few workers out of the way in order to secure my place to hunt for that precious sphere.

[You have gained Biomass]

[Compatible monster core detected. Would you like to reinforce your core or reconstitute a monster?]


The prize is mine!

monster core on practicing it until I have achieved

Absorb that core!

the energy flowing into my own, strengthening and


Anthony, there

wolf-dragons I now abandon the center of the battle and sprint over to where

Mine, mine, mine, mine!

the first Croca-Beast, this one was the first monster the Queen directly cut in half, making it fairly easy to look for the core. After barely eating at all I decide their isn’t any

... If I can evolve with a fully maxed core I’ll

[You have gained Biomass]

detected. Would you like to reinforce your core


Reinforce Dat Core!

pleasant stretching sensation occurs as my core absorb more energy, growing more dense and larger. The

Max Mp has reached 40, which is double what I was able to sustain before evolving.

the Titan-Croc. The body lies leaning against the stump of the

cannot believe I was able to fell such a massive creature in one blow. The power of Forceful Mana is not to be underestimated! It may be a little cumbersome to use

My mind is boggling!


the Titan-Croc. I almost can’t believe that it’s dead. I feel like the massive creature

Gandalf spoke to me, the beast is surely dead. The whole situation just feels so unreal I guess. It wasn’t long ago I riding on the coat tails of one of these monsters, depending on it for safety and feeding on

have conquered one and

hesitate any further,

source of Biomass: Crescente Gula Garralosh, you are awarded

profile of the Crescente Gula

still growing offspring of the Garralosh has reached its development stage. Able to convert mana to fire, beware of the fireballs released from its

What the hell?

that this enormous monster, the beast of nightmare that I have dubbed the "Titan-Croc", is still in its development stage?! Exactly how stupidly massive are these

Garralosh! All of these damnable crocodiles are the offspring of a single monster? Is this thing like the croc version of Godzilla?! How would something that big

know, if you go deeper you’ll find even larger open spaces than this, huge open areas the size of continents. Why the hell not?! I didn’t think an underground area like this

So who knows?

not going to try and prejudge what I might see anymore. I’ve been shocked so many times

[You have gained Biomass]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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