
Chapter 65

Gah! The extra options really make my head spin sometimes.

As usual, I need to decide exactly what I want my antennae to be for and then choose the advancement that will make them better able to do that job.

If I wanted to make myself a purely magic focused monster then the Antennae magic enhancement would be a very solid choice, letting me build advantages on advantages. However I’m not the sort of person to go for the specialist option. Perhaps it isn’t the smartest path but I don’t want to be bad at any particular aspect and cover that up by being especially strong in another.

Perhaps my magic would reach greater heights with an advancement like this but wouldn’t my sensory options be too limited?

I just don’t feel comfortable moving away from what the antennae were originally designed to do, which is to detect stuff, be it scent or motion.

So I’ll narrow my options down to those that increase my detection ability.

After letting go of some of the juicy but far out there selections I settle on a few that seem to make the most sense to me.

Of those the one that purely enhances smell is probably the most pedestrian. This option is a little beige even for me.

Another choice adds more sensitive hairs to the outside of the antennae, turning them into potent motions sensors. I like this idea and I also don’t. Being able to detect movement without having to see it is kind of cool but because I have compound eyes that can see in a huge range around me there is very little motion I won’t see before the antennae pick it up.

An option that really piques my interest is one that allows the antennae to develop heat sensitivity. If I’m understanding the description right, the antennae will mutate to include a heat source sensitivity, kind of like having thermal vision but for your nose.

I like this idea because it provides a new option that will cover something that was lacking before. I’ll be able to detect monsters around corners by the heat they give off, potentially detecting creatures underground or inside nests before they are visible to my eyes. It may even be possible that I could have counted the centipedes inside that centipede mound without ever having to stick my head in it.

Infrared Antennae. I’ll choose this!



How is it possible that I continue to forget this stupid itch!

The antennae are the worst, a horrible burning itch drilling right into my head, but the regeneration and pheromone glands inside me are also terrible!

Why dammit, WHY?!

stops and I regain control of

Every. Damn. Time.

push the horrible sensation that accompanies every mutation into the back of mind almost immediately after it happens. Is it just that I don’t want to remember these

possibly that is

to spend. I’m not too sure on this one, I’m building up more and more skills and they will need upgrading eventually. On the other hand, I was able

I’ve been hungry for

the user’s ability to utilise their

skill before in order to assist my desire to tank up but I couldn’t afford, choosing to prioritise my magical path at all costs, but

this purchase Gandalf!

it is all said and done my

Name: Anthony

Level: 8 (core)

Might: 31

Toughness: 22

Cunning: 25

Will: 18

HP: 50/50

MP: 50/50

Grip Level 4; Crushing Bite Level 7; Advanced Stealth Level 3; Piercing Chomp Level 3; Tunnel sense Level 4; Mana Shaping level 2; Forceful Mana Level 2; External Mana Manipulation Level 1; Mana Sensing Level 1;

Legs +1, Infused Mandibles +5, Diamond Carapace +5,


Skill points: 0

Biomass: 0

is becoming increasingly solid. My goal of upgrading all of my mutations to +5 and stacking as many mutation advancements as possible is slowly coming to fruition. Once I get my regeneration gland to +5 I’ll only

I’m level eight I’m anticipating that I’ll probably be able to evolve at level ten, and with my beyond perfect core I’m ready to do that at

up my small chamber, Tiny and I step out

we had! I feel refreshed and newly

feasting. His growth continues to accelerate, he’s probably double the size he was when he was first born. No longer able to ride comfortably on my back he’s going to have to walk

up little guy! We don’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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