
Chapter 71

The second trap is almost halfway done when I hear another crashing thud, followed by a furious roar.

Once again a visitor has decided to grace my humble hotel! Welcome dear guest! Manuel, take their bags! Gweheheh.

Chortling to myself I crawl out of my second pitfall and rush to the first. Tiny is standing up in his tree abode, excitedly staring down at the hapless monster caught in the pit. The little ape is practically drooling, he’s become so hungry.

I get that you’re hungry little guy but really?! Try to maintain a little dignity.

As much as I try to ignore it my stomach is also growling. After all of this work digging I’ve worked up quite the appetite.

Approaching the side of my trap I peer down to see exactly what monster I’ve managed to reel in this time.

Greeting me from the bottom of the pit is a particularly furious looking giant centipede. The centipede very quickly begins to right itself after falling into the pit, a mess of sticks and foliage tangling in its legs.

This guy again huh.

Where once upon a time I felt hugely threatened by the massive centipedes, I just can’t muster the same kind of fear for them anymore. They might be much larger than the original claw centipedes but they remain fairly stupid with limited ways to attack. In fact, due to its increased size and reduced mobility, the most threatening weapon of the claw centipede, its poison spike, is rendered almost completely useless against me.


I dispense justice in the form of acid from my business zone down onto my prey before leaping directly into the pit to do battle.

There were several reasons why I thought pitfalls would be a safer way to hunt in the current forest, one of which was the ability to isolate the battle somewhere the sound and scent of the battle would be somewhat muted. Combined with the natural advantage of battling against a monster after it has fallen and become entangled this method seemed promising to my mind.

So far it has proven to be effective. I’ll be very interested to see if I can finish this battle quickly enough without drawing any further monsters from the surrounds.

Just as the centipede is able to right itself my acid rains down, once again entangling legs that had only moments ago become free. Hissing furiously the centipede writhes and twists in knots as the pain and discomfort mounts. At this time I land directly onto the carapace of my prey, gripping tightly with my claws, pushing my grip skill to the limit.

Take this you lively bugger!

Piercing Chomp!


into a refrigerated spread of some kind, savaging

and attempts to use its body to slam me


centipede, receive my bite of


manoeuvre, what I am concerned about is

Crushing Bite to inflict maximum damage, my mandibles ripping deep into muscle and organs of

its fight, unable to properly move the latter half of its body

slain level 6 Adult

[You have gained experience]


tunnel and out of sight. Then I crawl out of the pitfall to reset the majority of my screen, covering the hole in the ground except for one small section. I’m hoping that this will prevent

into the trap, bringing Tiny down with me so we can finally sate our hunger. Down in the dark tunnel the offshoots the pitfall we greedily chow down on the centipede, Tiny in particular showing his vastly increased

You’ll pay me back in labour eventually, I’ll work you like a slave!

able to upgrade yet

something like fifteen, maybe even twenty points of

stops wiping his bat face with the back

Biomass been spent or is it all being saved up? Maybe he can’t spend it until he matures to a certain point? He certainly couldn’t be

at this point. I’ll just have to keep feeding him and

centipede dove on it and ripped it to shreds as it fell. So I finish resetting the first trap after making sure Tiny was securely positioned in his tree, it will probably take longer to get another sucker to slip into

saved some of the centipede to use as bait? Yes, yes we could.


few hours later I’ve managed to finish off the second trap despite a few interruptions. I had a gang of unevolved centipedes go through the area, a croca-beast and the elusive dog snake, which

It feels pleasant to gain levels without having to

shooting tunnel. While I was at it, I decided to join the two tunnels together, I mean why not? This necessitated a lot more digging

the two traps were joined at the bottom of the pitfalls by a somewhat winding tunnel roughly



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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