
Chapter 74

This darned rabbit is one nasty customer! Standing next to it will cause damage and apparently biting into it will also cause damage!

What the hell!?

In the end I still have to finish it off as fast possible. As the regenerative fluid flow through my body I keep the mana pouring out of my core and into my mandibles preparing to take the damage and continue to chomp!

Shockingly this half-dead looking rabbit is still able to use the limb I attacked, despite a good chunk in the middle of it being crushed to bits. Since the rabbit is twice my size it looms over me as it finally manages to get its feet under it.

Tiny continues his rampage, thrashing the rabbit on its back, punching with his hands and tearing with his fingers, inflicting whatever damage he can. This is a completely new Tiny I'm witnessing here today, what happened to your chill little guy?

The rabbit lashes out at me with a paw swipe, claws dripping yellow, virulent looking fluid emerge from between the toes and lash at my carapace. I don't yield to this! Trust in the diamond carapace! Rather than dodging I brace for the blow and prepare my counter attack. I need to deal decisive damage in order to finish off this monster quickly, lest all of these damage over time effects drag me down!


The paw smashes into my side, terrible claws raking along my hide. Those damn claws are sharp! Sparks fly as those disgusting claws rake across me, gouging into the carapace but failing to break through.


Now receive this bite!

My mandibles, charged full of mana roaring out of my core, are ready to clamp down. I just need to maximise my damage potential!

Instead of trying to do attempt anything fancy, like reaching for the neck I lunge forward before the rabbit can recover its balance aiming directly for its mid-section. This is going to hurt!

Crushing bite!


With all of my strength I rip directly into the creature's torso, shredding muscle and bone, tearing into the monster's body. Immediately that disgusting ooze erupts again, coating my head and jaws, but I don't stop.



The fetid flesh parts so easily under my assault, I'm not even sure I need to use my infused mandibles to inflict serious damage, but I won't turn it off. This thing needs to die! I can't even see Tiny now, my vision is blocked by this acidic fluid and the monster itself.

eyeful of suppurating rabbit flesh and fur right now. If it weren't for my



me into the ground, causing my legs to splay instantly as the rabbit brings both fists down on my back in a hammer blow. The sheer mass of

Guh! That one stung!

this acidic fluid on me and the constant hp drain my health is rapidly shrinking. I need to finish the

before the rabbit has prepared


chomp this time my mandibles rip into the wound I've already carved into the monster, the pointed

from the wound and retreat in time to see the foe slump to the ground

fought a monster that was more of a disgusting pain in the butt than this

least… I got … the

dead, Tiny is standing astride its back, his right fist plunged deep into

is a satisfied look on his bat face as he shakes his limbs out as if just finishing a

from Tiny, to the monster and


steal me you cheeky

not heard the voice of Gandalf at all. This can only mean one thing, I

me his face is shining with a pleased light, he honestly looks like a puppy. A

lucky I like

even if you stole my xp and delayed my evolution I'm not mad.

what do we do know with all of

this stuff

the burning of my face has faded I check my Hp to ensure my health isn't still going down. Thankfully it isn't,

the creature I gingerly approach it. Hoarf! The smell is terrible! It smells like someone had a pet rat that died, was left in the cage for a week and then flushed down a full toilet. This here, this is a

you just gonna let the Biomass sit there Anthony? You have to at least

Okokok. Here it goes.

my word. Oh heck. HRUUG.

consumed a new source of Biomass: Quantum Mors Labor Tabes, you are awarded one

Quantum Mors Labor



Just let me breathe

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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