
Chapter 88


Here in the tunnels my supreme senses are once again able to display their full dominance! Enhanced compound eyes! Heat detecting antennae! Mana detection! All of these things combine to ensure nothing can sneak up on me in here.

In fact, it will be I who will do the sneaking!

So long as Tiny stays a reasonable distance behind.

According to the Tunnel Map this cave seems to be winding slightly downward and curving to the left. There are various twists and turns but that seems to be the overall trend. After being in the forest, where mayhem seems to reign at all times at the moment, entering these quiet tunnels is a shocking difference. Being able to hear the faint echoes of my legs skittering or Tiny’s hands gripping on the rocks has me jumping at shadows!

What a sec!

My antennae start furiously wiggling in the air as I attempt to confirm the faint sensation I just detected. Yes! A heat signature has whispered against my antennae, something is approaching, not far away at all!

Turning quickly, I hustle Tiny into a crevice against the wall of the tunnel and wait, hoping we haven’t been discovered. I want to be able to get the jump on these monsters, whatever they may be! This ant is hungry for battle! Mainly for the Xp and Biomass but also to battle!

This may just be another aspect of my adjusting attitude after being reborn in this world but the thrill and excitement of fighting for your own food, the contest to see which lifeform is worthy to go on, growing stronger on the remains of the other...

It’s just really fulfilling... somehow?

I tense myself as the heat readings draw closer. I think I’m picking up multiple heat sources actually... or perhaps one large one? I’m sensing multiple sources, each very similar. Perhaps multiple monsters of the same type?

I’m still not used to my heat detection sense dammit!

A moment later they come into sight. There are three of them, climbing upside down on the roof. The first impression I get is, these guys didn’t skip leg day. Each of them has four seriously long legs, similar to a spider’s legs, that extend far below their heads before reaching a joint and returning to grip the ceiling. Suspended in the middle of these limbs is their main body, similar to a leech they resemble a tube with a hideous fanged mouth capping one end. Two clawed hands extend from the center of their.... Torso.

I’m not currently seeing any eyes on these things... can they see at all?

Just as the trio of ... spider leeches... is about to pass over my head I slowly turn and reposition myself to display the business district in all of its glory. Thankfully my subtle movement isn’t spotted and the tree monsters pass over Tiny and I without twitching.


acid of

spider leech bringing up the rear is doused in restrictive acid before it has a chance to respond, the sticky acid immediately congeals and

horrifying yowl that penetrates my ears instantly. Holy heck! It sounds like one hundred cats just got trod on their tail! What is this ungodly noise

before I can release my second acid blast the

happened! I can’t see a

wave frantically and I’m relieved to find I can still detect the body heat of our three opponents, as well as Tiny next to

leapt to the left than I feel a sharp wind rush past followed by the crunching sound of something

difficult to keep the skill active for a long time, I’m going to leave it on for the time being. Combined with my heat detection it’ll allow me to locate the enemy at the

the darkness. Electricity immediately begins to crackle around his body, twisting and writhing down his arms like deadly

to slow down and continue to dodge here and there, anticipating a strike at any moment. My sense are telling me that the three spider leeches are still attached to roof, roughly were they were when I last saw them, which leads

I hear the occasional crunch as some projectile smashes in the rock and dirt around

This is dangerous!

the wall. Three versus one they’ll certainly win the

has reached level

requires a lot of concentration and I’m not really helping to carry the load

not a whisper of light is reaching my eyes, even from the walls

a core advanced enough to cast

their projectiles as best I can, Tiny has finally had enough. I can almost feel the rage burning in his bat eyes as he opens his maw wide and unleashes a

to have been so lucky, I

... ant,

I weave in between its long legs and clamp down with a mighty

feeling of biting down a spider legged



Seriously disgusting.

snap shut with a horrible squelching sound, like feet stuck in deep mud, before

I mean... YUCK!

Dammit Gandalf!

slain level 16

[You have gained experience]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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