
Chapter 92

Tiny and I continue to retreat back towards the nest as fast as we can. As we run I continuously attempt to draw out and shape mana, frequently stuffing it up and tangling my legs as we run.

This is so damn difficult Gandalf! How did you perform so much magic on the back of the horse?!

I'm not sure if this will help anyone in anyway but I'm feeling desperate to get stronger. With only a day or two left until impending Armageddon I want to improve at something!

The entire conversation I had with Formo keeps running through my mind. So much new information to drop on a person! I feel like it'll take ages for me to be able to come through of all the gems my chatty new friend dropped in our brief exchange.

Tiny and I make it back to the open space of the forest without incident, although I do trip a few times.

Even with my sub-brain assisting to draw the mana out of my core and direct it, to actually manage that process, seize the prepared mana before shaping it into the one of the many patterns that the skill inserted knowledge is telling me to use is exceedingly difficult.

However, I must practice!

Back to the nest Tiny! With all speed!

The forest is just as chaotic as it was when we left it a few hours ago, but we don't waste time trying to sneak through now. As we encounter creatures we simple continue running straight past them, leaving a trail of bewildered and confused beasts in our wake.

However, some give chase, bellowing out their challenge as they crash through the brush, snapping branches and crushing the undergrowth beneath their feet.

If I'd not been distracted with mana shaping I might have anticipated this, but there is no stopping now...

Stop chasing us you idiots! There's a thousand other monsters you could fight, why don't you just leave us alone? Can't you see we aren't interested? Nobody likes a desperate monster!

It's no use however.

With their blood up, every monster is seeing red pretty much constantly right now and is isn't long before the one or two creatures tailing along behind us have attracted the attention of other nearby monsters.

more beasts emerge from the trees, chasing the tails of the

only manages to draw yet more monsters out from between the trees and giant mushrooms. Soon a

Are you serious Gandalf!?

monsters?! I don't have time for

ant hill there must be more than a hundred monsters that I can see behind us, all hurtling forward, ignoring the cavalcade of ravenous beasts behind, solely focused

I'm actually speechless.

can these

to do was

has reached level

Not now dammit!

begin our sprint up the ant hill the guards take a look and the train of monsters behind us and immediately prepare to fight, one of them ducks into the nest, clearly going


guys couldn't just run away for

we could just duck into the nest and leave these stupid monsters to battle it out amongst themselves whilst I tried to devise a

is not

my mandibles in irritation I turn to face the oncoming beast conga once I reach the top of the hill. Tiny, tired of running and eager for battle, takes his cue from me and gleefully turns to fight, electricity already beginning to

to avoid this very situation, one run through the forest and here we are. A massive brawl right on

full train of monsters, suddenly

There is a pause.

front of me is a heavily mutated Wolf-Dragon. Any monster that can survive in the forest these days is going to amass levels

monster paws at the ground, baring its teeth in a menacing snarl, its powerful tail swinging and

enormous trail of villains here to threaten my

have one question left

you want

and starts beating his chest with his fists. Those fists and that chest are still getting larger by the day. I would estimate Tiny has achieved half of his previous size and he is certainly growing stronger. Judging by his bristling fur and thick, meaty fists I'm starting to suspect he

bounds forward and with one swing of his arm delivers a stunning uppercut to the chin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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