
Chapter 116

Donnelan was exhausted. The young fire mage has been repeatedly rung dry over the last twenty four hours, expelling every ounce of mental effort until his mind felt as if were on fire and blood had started leaking out of eyes.

Blood! Right out of his eyes!

When he’d turned to the centurion in charge of his section to indicate the distress he was in, all he got was a cold snort of contempt and five minutes rest. He’d spent his five minutes with his head in a bucket of ice water in the med tent before climbing back up the wall to finish the last thirty minutes of his shift.

This was the first time Donnelan had been involved in defending a wave, so he wasn’t sure if what he’d seen was normal or not, but what he had witnessed in the last day had shaken his impression of the Dungeon forever.

He knew the Legion was strict, really strict, on the management of the Dungeon. The mercenaries had a nickname for the Legion’s rules in the Dungeon, they called them the ’Stone law’, unbreakable and crushing like a mountain.

Donnelan had felt some sympathy for their view in the past. The Dungeon was dangerous to be sure but it wasn’t that bad, idiots got themselves killed exploring down here sure, but idiots could kill themselves shaving, was there really such a need to regulate them?

The mage didn’t feel that way now. When the light returned the Legion had been in full force on the wall of their temporary fort, officers striding up and down like angry demons, checking equipment and snapping angry hand signals to any Legionary found wanting in their preparations.

When the monster started bursting out of the soil, tearing out of walls and even dropping down from the roof Donnelan was sure he was seeing a vision of hell. Brutal combat erupted everywhere in an instant, the stench of blood and the shrieks of monster flooded his senses until he wanted to puke. Several trainees had, thrown up right over the edge of the wall. The centurions turned a blind eye to reaction of their younger soldiers, some of them had been in the exact same position once.

The endless waves of monsters crashed into each other like a roaring sea before converging on the fort in fury. None of the Legionaries could explain it but once the monsters drew close enough to the fort they seemed attracted to it irresistibly, suicidally charging in an attempt to scale the walls or burst their way through.

It hadn’t taken long for the fort to be surrounded by so many monsters it looked like an island under assault by the endless tides.

The only reason the monsters didn’t spawn directly under their feet was due to the deployment of an ancient Legion artefact that suppressed monster spawning in an area in the center of the camp. This was another of the Legion secrets Donnelan had been exposed to over the course of this expedition, he wasn’t sure how much more they could possibly hide up their sleeves.

It was shocking to him that he could be a trainee alongside these people for five years and not a whisper of any secrets had ever reached his ears, nothing!

"How are you holding up Don?" an exhausted voice reached him.

position in

in order to damage long range monsters as well as plugging

to bombard the beasts with every ounce of magic they could grasp. Donnelan had never

was also true for the monsters of course. Hence

to get into a few Trainees heads. Donnelan had seen another archer, nice guy, they called him ’Fingers’ due to his extremely dextrous digits he deployed in his archery,

him straight out with a rune, tumbled him

cause Donnelan to wonder if he should


back against the post. "I heard about the eye thing.

"Really" Donnelan affirmed.

disbelief, too spent for any more expression than

a pause she spoke again. "I may have some good news for you


trainees are going to be given a twenty four hour break before our next shift on the

too quickly,

"Ouch!" he wailed.

to straighten out his leg and stretch it until

up there? I don’t see any sign of the fighting dying down..." Donnelan

"If anything it’s getting worse! You know that as well as I do. I have no idea what the brass are planning but I was passed this

young fire mage could only shake his head. How were they going to hold the defences if so

of the camp the senior officers had gathered together, hundreds of years of collective Dungeon experience amassed in

unruffled, stroking their beads or thumbing their chins as they

Moments later Titus emerged from with his command tent, dark

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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