
Chapter 118

Before I've even finished speaking Tiny releases a ravenous howl and dives directly into the vertical tunnel, right on top of me!

My plan had been to drop into the roof of this tunnel and scope it out a bit before taking any action. Instead I get pushed down the tunnel by a sheer weight of ape mass that propels us out of the tunnel and sends us smashing into the ground directly between to battling monsters.



Get off me Tiny you stupid ape!

Wait a sec. Er.

[Get off me Tiny you ape!]

He isn't listening. Eyes alive with hunger, for food and battle, Tiny leaps up, planting one foot squarely in my back, before diving headfirst into the nearest monster with his fists swinging and electricity zapping in every direction.

He flattened me. I've even taken damage dammit!

Turns out having a giant ape land on your back is less than pleasant.

Groaning internally I pick myself up and try to switch my mentality back to battle mode after the rather rude shock I experienced. Once I get my feet under my I try to grasp hold of the situation as quickly as I can.

What are we up against?

The tunnel itself is quite narrow and absolutely blazing with light, the mana veins snaking through every surface of the walls. Monsters are battling each other up and down the space, even as new monsters are pushing their way out of the walls were they have been spawned.

Havoc! Chaos!

Except they are all low level monsters!

seen when I first entered the Dungeon. Slugs, centipedes, wolves, the occasional Croca-Beast and Thorn lizards. All of the

than I was before! These monsters are simply no match for me anymore! In fact, most of them look very different now,



nearest Coral-Slug open my mandibles wide and snap

Shattering bite!

of light snap cleanly through the slug. Your

slain a level

[You have gained experience]

Who's next?!

stats, body advancements and improved skills these weaker, unevolved and

was afraid

[You have slain …]

want to spit your horrible acid on

[You have slain …]

to slap me around with your

[You have slain …]

tunnels of the Dungeon is poured out on these monsters without remorse. Yes, you horrible little beasts. Become my stress

are too weak to satisfy his lust for combat, every single one them crumbles after one impact of his colossal fist. After smashing everything in front of him the poor fellow starts to look somewhat despondent. He continues to battle and slay his way down the tunnel but he doesn't have quite the same verve as he

to muster any enthusiasm unless there is a

Tiny? Can't enjoy yourself unless you are

You need help man.

prepared to challenge us. Standing amidst the remains of our victims I am aglow with satisfaction having successfully released some of my inner demons and stress whilst

Tiny! Time to eat!] I tell

of Biomass and shoving it into his face. I'm just as

get used to anything after a while, even cramming your face with raw monster

were such a low level, despite killing twenty or so creatures I wasn't able to level up at all, and I highly doubt I'll be able to gain much

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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