
Chapter 126

Two days pass quickly in our new environment.

So blissful! So peaceful! I haven’t had anything threatening happen to me for over forty eight hours! I could go soft at this rate!

What’s even more amusing is watching just how bored Tiny is, the big guy is almost catatonic, craving the stimulus of battle like a drug he’s withdrawing from. Other than eating he just flops about sleeping or staring at the walls. He is so still that the workers just crawl over him as he lies there.

To be honest I feel a little bad for him. I can sympathise to some extent. Battling with your life on the line is terrifying but at the same time extremely thrilling, and the rewards provided give such immediate gratification that it becomes hard to resist the lure of combat. After spending time in those dangerous places, living on the edge constantly, our relatively peaceful environment here on the surface is a little.... Boring?

It’s like our intense days were filled with shockingly vibrant splashes of colour but now our scene is far more muted and tranquil. Just like Tiny I can also feel the itching in my heart for action.

Unlike that dumb ape though, I know how to keep myself busy and getting stronger even without high level monsters to fight! I keep every day full!

Tiny and I spent most of yesterday down in our monster farming zone. I was pleased to see that the veins had rapidly extended and monsters had already been spawning by the time we got back, the familiar scenes of chaos a welcome sight in my eyes. I gave Tiny an order that he probably never wanted to hear and instructed to him to disable the monsters but not kill them.

The horror on this bat face is amusing even now. He couldn’t refuse though and reluctantly ran through the small chamber, smashing legs and crippling the monsters without landing the final blow.

It was a horrifying sight actually, all those monsters on the floor, unable to even crawl or defend themselves.

When that job was done I lay down a food trail for the colony and soon a flood of workers poured into the small chamber, finishing off the monsters and carrying their precious Biomass back to the colony.

Tiny and I took a little food to stave off our hunger and then set to digging, expanding the farm a bit further out.

Since Tiny and I are both double evolved monsters and the creatures spawning in our farm are base level, we get a greatly reduced fraction of the Xp and Biomass when we kill and eat them. It just isn’t worth it for us to monopolise these resources, especially considering that we need far more experience and Biomass in total to advance when compared to the workforce.

To maximise efficiency I’ve decided to use the farm to power level the colony, I really want more workers to advance and evolve, then they could fight more effectively without me around.

will have to do something soon about our

we expanded the farm and I asked the workers to leave so the monsters could build up again I put my mind to practicing

in the farm I had a few targets for me to practice my spells on! So far the only ’shape’ I’d been able to put into action was

an intricate ball that tapered to a point on one end. I failed quite a few times on this one I’ll admit, but with my Gravitational Mana topped off I was in no risk

construction and powered it up. Once it was ready I instinctually aimed it and

a second! Once it hit the spell expanded out, encompassing the creature in complex, revolving shapes

to the ground and lay still. It was

I noticed one of the creature’s claws twitching slightly as it struggled to raise it. Then I realised it had been placed under the effect of powerful gravity! So this spell allowed me to fire off a gravity effect to a target further away from me, as opposed to the Domain which

it, Gravity

watching them collapse on the floor, unable to lift a finger until the effect wore off. I found I could change the duration and strength

I be able to make some changes to that part of the spell in order to modify

still have a gravity effect, but what if rather than pulling the monsters down.... It pulled

of gravity is produced by the energy in the spell, not the

to rework the spell, even though it was a relatively simple change. I wasn’t changing the spell per se,

after a few dozen attempts when finally things started to run smoothly, excitedly I poured my energy into the construct and blasted

similar scene appeared, the bolt expanded into the revolving shapes that collapsed into the monster before it


too much juice in

the effect worked! I was so pleased I did a little dance on the spot! I can really tap

effect then I’d be able to make every monster around me

colony again and doing some more digging to

shape was a little more demanding than the ’bolt’ but eventually I was able to get it formed. Once formed, the construct looked like a spear with several rings rotating around the haft. Rather than the spear

impacted the spear stuck in the monsters

poking out of its chest. Tentatively it tested the wound with one

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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