
Chapter 130

After spending time eating and attempting to train mana transformation, my small crew have a snooze and awake to work once more! Since we began napping in the afternoon it's now solidly night time. The forest is beautiful and ethereal in the moonlight, only made slightly less so by the trails of monster ants wandering about.

After assisting the colony farm once more, and returning with another core, I decide it is time to pay a visit to the town from which we had rather spectacularly made our entrance to the surface world. I hope that guy who's arm I accidently separated from his torso is doing well. I mean, life goes on with a single arm, right?

Although we won't be able to see that much in the dark I don't want to risk showing up in the day and potentially being spotted. It'll be best to minimise the potential for future limb removal type misunderstandings.

As we travel, Tiny the little ant and I, no time is wasted as I practice my gravity spells as we travel. I might not be able to grind shaping levels anymore but familiarity with the spell still counts and casting on the move is so much harder than casting standing still.

My magical skills grow with every passing day!

Eventually we come to the edge of the forest and I ask Tiny to remain in the trees, his hulking form isn't suitable for slinking through the wheat fields and staying unnoticed. With my little passenger on board I utilise my vaunted stealth techniques to creep through the farm fields towards to the buildings in the distance.

When we arrive at the town darkness has fallen over the land like a blanket. As we draw nearer to the town however, I'm gratified to notice it is surprisingly well lit. actually, its strangely well lit.

As in, what the hell is with this enormous fire!?

In front of the church a massive bon fire is blazing surrounded by what appears to be a lively crowd of people. They are all holding crude weapons in hand and even at this distance I can see that they seem possessed of a fierce energy.

Relying on my impressive stealth, I creep closer until I'm less than thirty metres away from the edge of the buildings and then I hunker down still to maximise the passive stealth bonus. In the dark, with my skills and nearly black carapace I'm going to be almost impossible to spot, surely. I'll just have to keep my claws crossed they don't have monster detecting gems here.

Actually, with their faces illuminated by the red glow of the crackling flames, pitchforks and rusty spears clutched tightly in their hands, they look a little demonic over there. Then I notice a voice rising above the background noise, filled with conviction and energy.

front of the churches main double doors, one good arm flung to the sky as he exhorts the people

there at least. Just, what

the doors are pulled open and a group of

their way. With a mighty heave they throw their burden onto the leaping flames and the crowd roars in approval as the fire

pretty sure that was a monster

is safe and they are able to take care of themselves but they seem a little too

Jellymaw crawled up out of that hole in the ground would these townspeople and farmers be able to handle that? Shouldn't there be some soldiery looking types here by now? Dedication is

all look determined and passionate, it seems like they are all in

up as the rest. If I were to try and describe her expression I would probably have to say 'concerned' or 'worried'. Her hands are tightly gripping her skirts

shares my concern that the townspeople may be getting a little ahead of

she isn't a

frenzied mob any closer than this doesn't seem advisable. Time

I'm turning to leave I notice that my head is feeling a bit breezy. Did someone open a window or something? Have I gone bald? I'm fairly certain


is the little

turning to scout

rise in my chest. That is

She has a core! Quick as a flash I flip on my mana sense and reach out with my mind, desperately seeking that tiny mana source. There it is! Threading its way between the wheat stalks I spot the

is that its heading

are you a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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