
Chapter 133

With my new JellyMaw pet, little worker and Tiny in tow I head over to the farm. I've occasionally been letting the workers in to battle on their own, since I think every creature needs real combat experience rather than just raw Xp. So long as they attack in numbers the ants are able to quickly overwhelm their opposition, smashing the enemies and pulling them apart without any resistance. If they trickled in with smaller numbers it would be a hugely different story, the weaker individual ants would get pulverised, so I only let them in after piling up enough workers at the entrance.

As every day passes the colony is growing stronger. Everywhere I look there are more workers with mutation advancements of all sorts and when I flip on my mana sense there are the soft responses I get from low level cores all over the place.

Muahahaha! Our power grows! I believe I even spotted the first double evolved worker, a beefy looking ant with a larger head and powerful mandibles. This may be the first 'soldier' in the colony!

It's all looking good right now!

Tiny and I descend into the farm chamber and smack the heck out of everything in there until they are almost dead. Only then do I let my two burdens loose on their meal.

As the little worker excitedly leaps off to grab her experience I take a moment to have a word with her.

"I'm not sure if you can understand this much, but try to spend your Biomass on your pheromone gland, if you can get it to +5 you'll be able to take Pheromone language and talk to me and the Queen! Think about it."

She looks back at me for a long moment before jumping onto her first victim and starting to saw away with her mandibles. I use one of my antennae to reach onto my back and poke the JellyMaw there.

to grip my carapace to stop the little ball from rolling straight off. When my antennae prods into its body it reaches out with a tentacle

to some food, grab

antennae and I lift it up into the air before heading over to a defenceless beast. I don't think the JellyMaw is able to fight at all yet so I finish off the monster with a single chomp of my mandibles before dropping the little

the JellyMaw rests on the Biomass, feeling it out with its tentacles

Only this time the entire process takes place in miniature, the fanged mouth is

Biomass with gusto, taking in far more food than really seems physically possible until the main body has inflated from tennis ball

….. Gross, but impressive!

points, I'll need to think about what I

himself a little. The big guy is

back to the village and I begin construction of a new tunnel! It's so easy to fall into the rhythm of digging. My inner ant is being nourished by the act of shifting dirt with

even take long until I've made significant progress. My powerful body combined with my digging skills is a powerful combination, not to mention the burning joy

a little bit of protecting the humans from the monsters further down the Dungeon, preventing the humans from absorbing Xp and wasting Biomass, using the existing tunnel connections within the escape tunnel to push

Ant I've experienced a tremendous growth in power that I'm still working to explore. Since each subsequent evolution


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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