
Chapter 144

The Queen was just as mentally invested in our contest as I was. With the sudden bite of Vibrant she has completely lost her focus, freeing me from her mental assault.

I can't waste this chance!

I leap forward immediately, mandibles wide open, ready to deliver the fatal blow. I'd originally wanted to keep this Queen alive for a few reasons. Firstly, reprisals. If her death was somehow pinned on us, or if people came following her trail, we could be in big trouble. At the very least we would have to pick up and relocate the colony again, something I'd rather not do if I didn't have to. Secondly, information! If I were to take this opportunity to try and develop my mind magic skills I could communicate and exchange the safe return of this Queen for information of this world and the surrounding area.

This is critical info for me. The knowledge I could harvest from one captive human about the surface society would be worth mountains of metaphorical gold. Learning about the locations of cities, the culture, about the Dungeon, magic, weapon skills, everything!

Information is king! When an actual person I can interrogate falls into my lap, I refuse to throw away the opportunity! Well, now that I know the Queen can assault my mind directly, I'll have to give up on it. Who knows what is possible when you dominate another's mind with magic? Not this ant!

Can't take the chance! I'll have to snip the neck zone and worry about the ramifications later. Perhaps there is still a chance I could get some information from the captain up above. Unlikely he would want to share after his Queen is trimmed but it'll be worth a shot.

[Hold, monster!] a desperate voice rings within my mind.

I freeze on the spot. My mandibles are mere inches away from the royal neck. It would take me a fraction of a second to complete the motion and bring my jaws together.

An uneasy pause.

We stare at each other, eye to compound eye. Flipping on my mana sense I can see that the Queen has managed to hastily construct a similar mind magic bridge to that which Formo the Sophos used to communicate with me. However, where Formo's bridge was an immaculate golden lattice woven with exquisite, intricate care, this one looks like the technique used to darn socks. Rough!

managed to make it so that works both ways. What the heck do I say though? This is a

[Speak! Or Die!]

struck the balance

of a terrifying Dungeon monster the Queen is managing to keep her equilibrium quite well, all things considered. With my words ringing in her mind she seems a little taken

understand me?]

a human in the past? That I was reincarnated into this body and have been making the best of my new

me without knowing if I could

monster would have such strong force of mind. When the alternative was having my head cut off,

able to fight off that mind magic attack. Not that I was able to fight it off completely, rather I managed to not die until I

satisfied with Queen's current state of not dead. I have to think of something else to say now. Dammit this hard. Try

should I let

Nailed it!

aback by that statement. It takes her

is it that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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