
Chapter 148

One of the things I learned from the human Queen is the value of monster cores to their society. They use them for enchantments, magical engineering, powerful weapons, armour, training magicians, jewellery and more. Cores are an integral part of industry on the surface, their ability to absorb mana from the atmosphere and then channel it cannot be replicated. In wealthy circles cores could even be considered a separate form of currency, valuable everywhere civilised enough to conduct trade.

I was also disturbed to learn of the market for monster body parts, using hides, shells, claws and even organs to make equipment, potions or even building materials! Apparently the Queens throne room is buttressed by columns carved from several massive spines extracted from the monsters who dominated this region before their death.

Hearing about the incredible value attached to the body parts of my own kind made me somewhat queasy. I do have to admit that my diamond carapace would make a fairly cracking set of armour…

Don't think about it Anthony! Just because you're a monster doesn't mean you are going to wind up with your head mounted on some wall, your core hung around a duchess' neck and your carapace turned into a truly sweet set of defensive gear. They might get the Anjanath, but not this ant!

That shall not be the fate of me, or my colony!

If anything the conversation with the Queen emphasised again and again the danger of the surface people to me and my family. Truly, humanity is the real monster! I'm super reluctant to enter into any sort of deal with this kingdom. Packing up the colony and rushing into monster territory sounds like the safest and best place for us ants to go!

But… the wealth!

So… many…. CORES.

I could pump the core of all of my pets and myself to max, special cores included! I could do the same for the Queen! I could grind my core engineering to the next level easy.

Hundreds of cores are on the table here! Not two or three, hundreds!

It's almost certainly a trick in some way.

The Queen has no options available to her, that much is clear, but would a wise and savvy Queen really be prepared to hand a portion of her nations wealth to a marauding band of monsters?


doesn't mean I won't be able to extract

better go check on the real

his new seat I scuttle over to the farm and head down to check things out. What meets me at the bottom is a veritable seething mass of ants. Workers are climbing all over each other in a huge pile,

what is going on I see a few workers break off from their smaller groups and walk back to the main mass with chunks of fresh Biomass in their

out of the walls, ripping them apart in their desperation to ensure the Queen isn't

problem I have is, how am I supposed to talk to the Queen when she is literally buried beneath a

but holy heck fam! You've

bodies low to the ground to keep a vigilant eye on the ground. If a monster were to burst out of the ground

isn't anything for me to do except push my way through the workers

concern when she come before her mother. The little ant sits up on my head and tries to

doing mother?" I

and she slowly shifts

… better" she

of her vigour. Flicking on my mana sense momentarily I can see that her core is

I ask hesitantly, "Do you need to


not know,

though. It's possible that the monsters with advanced cores, like the Queen, need to

gradually leaking strength? Growing weaker every passing day?! And of course

sacrifice a real Queen makes! No schemes here, just loyal service. Not a

able to cast any healing spells on yourself?" I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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