
Chapter 153

I took a long rest, being careful that I didn’t slip into torpor. It would be a little too risky to nap here with Queen once more amongst her soldiers. After four hours the Queen once more approached me to re-establish the mind bridge.

Apparently mind magic is fairly common amongst diplomats, governors and rulers. Although most smaller states such as this one are usually unable to find someone gifted enough in this esoteric branch of magic to serve as their liaison, in this instance the Queen herself was moderately talented. Having someone capable of unlimited cross species communication was yet another factor that helped this country punch above its weight.

I’m not shocked that they can’t find many people to learn this magic, the transformation is incredibly hard, even relative to other transformations that are already mind bending puzzles in their own right. I’ve continued to my practice but progress is slow. The day I can weave a dazzling mind bridge over thousands of metres long, like Formo, is a long way off.

Once communication is established the Queen informs me that her soldiers are ready and the time to assault the surface is fast approaching.

[Just outside the entrance is a Legion fortress that has been mostly abandoned. There is a moderate presence of my soldiers posted just around the opening and we just changed the guard so they know we are coming. Inside the fort a small force of mercenaries has been placed, probably to watch the entrance for movements from my people, once we leave the entrance they will communicate our actions to the rest of their force] she explains.

The Queen was quite cagey about these ’Legion’ people when I interrogated her. I still know very little about them, but apparently I’ve seen some of them before.

[So we need to move quickly and aggressively. How far is it to your castle?]

[Around two kilometres. The castle is positioned defensively on a slope. We need to breach the gates quickly otherwise we risk getting locked out and surrounded. Even with the villagers to swell our numbers we are outmatched in a direct confrontation. If we can sweep into the castle and block the gate against the troops held outside we’ll only have to deal with those mercenary forces who are inside the castle].

[Do you have a plan for the gate?]

She hesitates a moment. [We’re still working on it].

[I’ll take care of it] I say.

If I knock politely with a Gravity Bomb I’m sure the door will open for me.


With our plans laid I gingerly walk with the Queen to the vanguard of her soldiers as they prepare to move out. Monsters are still spawning out of the walls here but the soldiers are clearly of a higher level, able to dispatch these weaker beasts with ease.

Together, with myself in the vanguard and my attendant priest behind me we begin to march up the tunnel towards the entrance. It isn’t far from the pool before the familiar landmarks begin to stir my memories. Ah here is the staircase that leads downwards. Ah, here are the torchers that were lit when I was nearly chased to death. There is the side passage where I narrowly dodged an arrow and lured some centipedes to their death!


desperate for human contact was I at that point? I became totally divorced from my senses. Now I have a family and followers of my own, I don’t

we approach the rising slope and walk past the inbuilt walls were I glimpsed my first humans. I can see as we pass them that each wall is

widen out and a bright opening is revealed in front

pack. When my blurred vision finally settles back to normal I can see I’m inside a ringed wall that surrounds the Dungeon entrance. A portcullis is cut into the wall and the gate is thankfully up. I keep charging at the gate as I hear frantic shouts from above. Soon after the pounding of feet on stone and a great roar erupt from behind as the

fall as someone frantically tries to wind it down before I can reach the opening but I’m having none

Anti-Grav Bolt!

try they can’t push it down as it continues

I charge forward through the gap and out of the ring wall. I sense heat! Ahead of me, to my left and right there are stairs from the upper level, multiple sources are rushing

Come to me!

leaps down the last few steps brandishing his sword valiantly he suddenly feels an immense


mandibles I grab the first soldier out of the air

Shattering Bite!


resist my shattering bite! His flimsy armour is shredded by

Still alive? Have another!

most humans are able to resist one or two bites. They are wearing monster material based equipment and have a few levels pumped into



have slain

[You have gained experience]


much in the way of levels after all. Apparently the humans level resets in some specific class changes but for most normal cases their level simply increases linearly

stairs and into view just in time to see their friend being bitten to death. Imagining what this scene must look like from their perspective,

eyes and you leap forward to find a giant ant the size of a

a brief moment, giving


Get over here!

Shattering Bite!


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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