
Chapter 156

There is a stunned silence around after the Gravity Bomb flickers out of existence. The first thing I hear breaking the peace is a *thud*.

Twitching to one side I notice that the priest has fallen to knees, followed by the rest of the villagers. The soldiers are looking at me strangely also, their faces set in cold masks behind their helmets.

I look at the Queen.


She too looks at me with an odd look in her eye.

[Those gates were mana warded. Your spell should not have worked]

Mana warded, is it? Doesn't look like it was too effective. Maybe they needed to put on a second coat? At any rate, is it really ok for us to stand around here with our thumbs up our commercial districts?

[Shouldn't we be going inside?] I prompt the Queen.

The elderly woman shakes herself a little and regains her dignified poise before shouting her commands aloud to her soldiers.

Roaring their battle cry the Guards' charge through the gate, some members dashing into streaks of light as they deploy their skills to close with their enemies. The ringing sound of steel clashing with steel soon fills the air as the defenders rush towards their breeched gates.

With the Queen in their midst the townsfolk also advance but at a more measure pace. Several of the braver ones run out in small groups to support the soldiers already engaged in battle but the rest remain defensive postured, watching all directions for threats.

[Stay with me monster, we will storm the throne room and Royal chambers, I'm sure we will find the masterminds there].

I grunt

won't find the villain sitting languidly on the throne, ready to lure us with talk before springing the final trap?

block the entrance behind us with whatever they can find, loose stone, a cart, someone finds the royal coach and they push it into the gap before tipping it on its side. Those with spears of long handled pitch forks stand in rows, weapons

statues placed at regular intervals. The entire setup screams royal luxury. I can't help but eye the Queen with

Perhaps I'm becoming biased because my colony basically lives on top one another. Even Tiny, Vibrant, Crinis and I packed into our own little chamber is odd and luxurious by ant

with workers walking on her

the great doors open and a densely

look anything but. Determined faces, coordinated

these soldiers for

the sight of this mass charge, they are absolutely no match for this kind of assault! Not giving them time to decide to flee I jump to the

suicidal? Or have I got my Gravity


get close once we got inside the castle, much like it is inside the Dungeon tunnels. Naturally I started to reconstruct my most potent close range spell.

men with their shields and swords raised charge towards me, blades beginning to shine as they prepare to unleash their skills I continue to

Closer… Closer…

Gravity Domain!

purple hemisphere expanding out to encompass the soldiers before me. Some of them cancel their attack skills and raise their shields


on the soldiers like a hammer from heaven, pressing them to the ground. A few blasts of

downwards by an invisible, irresistible force. Their movements are slowed and some are unable to keep their feet, driven down

should never

Shattering Bite!

fearsome mandibles upon these foes as they labour under the effects of my domain magic. So long as I maintain the spell the fight is one sided. As if their arms and legs were impeded with massive

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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