
Chapter 169


I snap to alertness hours later, ready for action. Vibrant and Crinis are still slumbering whilst riding on my back, the little ant using the ball like JellyMaw as a pillow.

Before resting be had dug into the wall to create a resting chamber. I’d estimated how far the veins of light would be able to travel whilst we rested and made sure we had a bit of buffer. I didn’t want dumb plant monsters spawning on our heads while re rested from eating dumb plant monsters. I wouldn’t have been able to take the irony.

I have a huge wealth of Biomass saved up at the moment, more than I’ve ever had before but I don’t want to spend it yet, I’ll pile up as much as I can before heading back to the surface. This is a long term pre evolution feast fest bonanza! There aint no brakes on this eating train!

While I’m at it I’ll pump my pets full of Biomass at the same time. Tiny will be ready to evolve soon so he need as much Biomass as I do, whereas Crinis just needs to keep on growing until she’s ready to fight.

Vibrant on the other hand is getting a prime opportunity to supercharge her growth, she’ll be swimming in Biomass points by the time we’re done down here, getting all of her organs to +5 should be a piece of cake!

The second part of our mission here is to create a path back to the surface, a staircase if you will. I don’t want to have to follow winding tunnels hither and thither every time I want to come down into the Dungeon. If the colony is going to settle here long term then a shortcut to the deeper Dungeon is absolutely in order. After I evolve I’ll have to go even deeper than this to get a decent amount of Biomass. At that time the shortcut will have to be extended downwards.

["Time to get up you slugs!"] I shout at my lazy crew.

As usual, Tiny requires a few extra pokes until he’s ready to get up. He waves me away, even reaching over with one massive hand to push me as he tries to cover his eyes.

Teenage rebellion?!

["There’ll be food..."]

The apes’ eyes snap open like lightning and he leaps to his feet, purposefully flexing his fingers, looking every inch alert and ready for action.

Damn ape! Have you no shame at all?!

Vibrant jumps into action quickly.

today? Will there be dashing?!" she

I won’t miss a

Vibrant cheers, even Crinis extends a few tentacles into the air and

on a family vacation or about to engage in slaughter and gruesome feasting? Or is

Who cares!


newly dug tunnel we do indeed encounter a few newly spawned plant creatures which we destroy as an appetiser, feeding the last hits to Vibrant. Then we step out into the main tunnel




Everything was surprisingly chill with the plants until we started to rumble

plant monsters doing ferocious battle with

first glance they appear to be like heavily muscled pigs or boars. On closer examination there is something strange about their hides. They seem to glisten, or shimmer in the light. It’s almost as if they’re ... metallic? Are these

who tear at them with fierce

further back and surrounded by plants I can see a giant pig, the mega pig! Easily twice the size of its smaller pig brethren this specimen is obscenely muscular, almost grotesquely bulging

their skin... electricity ought to

go punch up that giant thing over there. I’ll take care of the plants and

fight. I can only presume he agrees with these instructions. Bearing his fangs he trundles forward, building up momentum gradually until

through the crowd of plants cornering the massive boar and roars his challenge, smashing out with one mighty

Holy moly!

in the middle of that... Still, it seems my hypothesis on the metallic skin

about with my cheering hangers’ on clinging to my back. I fire acid at the annoying ones and move quickly to snip apart the most dangerous plants. Any pigs I come across are ground into mince by the relentless application of my infused mandibles and shattering bite, metallic skin

but these particular pigs either haven’t mutated it or need to further evolve before it matches up to the Earth Bear Tyrant. I do get smashed in the side at

or diamond which


the big pig, smashing it about with his powerful lightning fists. Each time he connects a ringing boom bursts out like a thunderclap, telling of the immense force behind

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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