
Chapter 189

Looks like we might have hit something by mistake?

Although, considering everything down that tunnel is sure to be hostile, I'm not sure I would call it a mistake?

I wonder what I even hit with that wave…

The mystery is soon solved when a gang of angry and damp looking Croca-Beasts come swaggering around the corner looking for trouble.

So it's you guys!

Are you the culprits chasing all the other monsters up the tunnel towards the surface just like Enid said you damn thugs! Acting all tough now that your momma is in town, how sad is that?!

You stupid Croc Bipeds might have been scary and threatening when I was a hatchling but you're small fry now!

And it's true. The Croca-Beasts that once upon a time loomed over me like giant croc faced messengers of death don't seem nearly so large anymore. Whilst I'm not quite tall enough to look them in the eye I probably have a similar overall mass to them since I'm much longer than I am tall.

Their sharp claws and powerful, snapping jaws are not nearly as impressive as once they were. My own Savage Infused Mandibles look far more deadly to be honest. These guys just don't hold any fear for me anymore!


Well sure, he's even less scared of them. Without waiting for my orders Tiny lumbers forward and starts smashing Croc face in with his massive fists. It's almost sad. He towers over the little crocs and his fist is probably the same size as their entire head. With every swing he one shots a Croca and it isn't long before the posse of toothy monsters has been smashed into paste.

Tiny! Show 'em

first saw Tiny, battling against his rival, a massive Titan-Croc. I get the feeling even after being reconstituted

the still soggy tunnel. As I climb over the fallen Crocs I

anything Tiny?]

listens for a moment before frowning and slowly nodding

on guard everyone"] I advise before we

noticed at all if I wasn't watching for it. As it grows the sensation becomes more oppressive, threatening even. As we continue to


Feel weird!


you picking up on this

Vibrant seems a little subdued under this

Crinis too is feeling the

is causing this, we need

defeat. I want everyone, including you

how this mounting creepy feeling is weighing on us that even Tiny seems inclined to agree, just to be sure I

I tell you to run, you will flee to

has to do it. No way I'm going to allow him to die charging headlong into some unwinnable fight. When we get right down to it he cannot deny a direct order from me so I'm

do. I have to be careful not to leave Crinis behind, she has a very limited capacity to navigate her way around after all. Perhaps I should advise her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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