
Chapter 192

Deftly I use my sub brains to weave together two water bolts, leaving one brain to maintain and operate the transformation construct, as I lie patiently in wait like the great hunter that I am. The flower has no way to detect me with my advanced stealth active and my positioning being on point.

[Water magic affinity has reached level 2]


I need to keep practicing these spells in order to raise my proficiency as quickly as possible. The power of my current evolution is all in my capacity to utilise magic so I have to grind these skill until I can fling my spells about with practiced ease.

Gradually the bolts take shape and I take careful aim before unleashing them all at once.


Two tear shaped orbs of water zoom through the air and smash into the flower, hitting the stem and the center of the petals directly. The impacts cannon into the plant type monster and it rocks back and forth on its stem, reeling from the sheer force of the strike.

If I had imagined before that using water magic on a plant was like giving it a gentle sprinkling I have been convinced with this attack. It’s more like hurling a block of concrete at it. Unlike fire which causes damage by burning or electricity which zaps organism whilst also burning them, water doesn’t seem to have any inherently harmful properties. It’s important to remember though that when water is accelerated to sufficient speeds it becomes harder, more difficult to break up.

Rather than thinking of the water bolt as throwing a ball of water, it’s more like throwing a ball of metal. The sheer kinetic force is what does the damage rather than any particular property of the mana.

Having been smashed with three water bolts the flower is reeling, it’s vines desperately flailing about as it attempts to seek out the source of that vicious strike. The fun has only begun flower, I’ve got two more bolts on the way right now!



Once again the two bolts collide with tremendous force, both of them smack against the stem of the flower this time. The impact are nearly simultaneous and the flower is knocked straight to the ground, the fibres of the stem are starting to tear and split where the bolts have struck it. If I were to keep attacking that spot the stem may simply snap, killing the monster directly. I almost feel bad for it. This is a rough way to fight, it’s like I’m bludgeoning the thing to death by hurling rocks at it.

However, the flower seems to have gotten a bead on my location from the last strike. As it rights itself with difficulty the four pods surrounding the central flower swivel towards my direction and open, revealing a bizarre, mouth like arrangement on the inside. Just as I’m wondering what the heck is going to happen the mouths open wide and shriek!


sound tunnels straight through my ears and begins to

me. It immediately begins to employ that strangely hypnotic rippling technique, but more potent as the flower puts all of its

hoping to seize the stunned and mesmerized prey and drag it towards


able to resist even Tiny’s ear shattering scream, as if some dumb flower could hope to match that volume or potency, as for the petal dance, if I know it’s coming I can steel myself against

the plant fibres there

level 14

[You have gained experience]


plant with water is an

own. With my potent mental defences it isn’t easy to hypnotize me, Tiny might be caught handily but

more attention than I need to I creep over and start eating the flower, keeping an eye on my surroundings

a new source of Biomass: Fascinatio folium flos, you are awarded one

the Fascinatio folium

plant type monster uses a combination of powerful mental attacks to lull its opponent into a stupor, allowing it to use its relatively weak physical body to consume the prey. This monster

these profiles so full of information that would be immensely useful

Biomass from the plant before moving on to continue my exploration. I have thirteen points of Biomass now so it’ll be worth stopping to mutate something when

the odd plant monster in combat to learn about their tendencies and practice my water magic skills. I end up gaining another level in water magic affinity and five more Biomass before I retreat from the marsh. More and more potent Croca-Beast variants are appearing nearby so I decide to get out of dodge and regroup with my gang, still

we folks? Enjoying the wonderful process of tunnel digging?"]


[... yes master]

from Tiny and somewhat

great time, Senior!" a very enthusiastic response from

Digging is the

just love the feel of

only ant kind can fully appreciate the joy of tunnel digging. My own people understand me best! As I return to digging I decide to spend the Biomass I’ve accrued. The marsh is dangerous and I can’t afford to hold off on

Cortex to +5 so I can choose a mutation advancement. I’m reliant on my magic for offense in a way I haven’t been before so

the menu appears in my mind with a plethora of juicy options to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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