
Chapter 196

Once I get close enough I'm quickly recognised by the people and the reaction is a unlike what I expected.

Firstly the humans seem unusually comfortable with having a monster ant wandering up to their area. I guess they've seen plenty of ants wandering here and there over the last few days.

Secondly they seem a bit… reverential. When they recognise me (I look different enough from the other workers I suppose) they fall quiet and still. There are hushed whispers and people rushing off towards the rear of the settlement where the shelter is. Other people are gesturing in my direction and talking animatedly to the people next to them. Even the children are pointing and whispering.



So annoying! What are these people doing anyways?!

I wait impatiently on the edge of the settlement, not willing to wander in and subject myself to more pointing. After a few moments Enid and the white robed priest Beyn came rushing over. She looks a bit nervous but he appears positively beaming with joy.

Hastily I weave together a mind magic transformation construct and connect to Enid whilst she patiently waits for me to complete the magic.

[Enid. Have your people managed to stay within their bounds?] I say abruptly once the mind bridge is finished.

[Yes. We've been staying within the boundary you set very carefully] she says nervously.


It appears to be true. When I detect the pheromone trail on this side of the settlement with my antennae it does seem to be fine. I'll check the other side before I leave as well.

to be more people today?] I

horde is moving further south. These people arrive only this morning and we herded them in here as quickly as


[… right]


going to do?] I ask. More to

surprisingly content, to remain here and build a temporary shelter. Wait for the wave to pass and then hopefully

I brighten up immediately.

Head back after the wave is sorted out? Sounds


long is the wave going to go for? Well.. As

hesitantly, [as you know we came with very little and have made do with what we have. We have access to the

even notice anymore. I do spend most of my time underground, to

by any stretch. The colony is chewing through a lot of the local beasts on the surface but there isn't any guarantee

of that but we need to do this or we'll perish. We have to forage for food, perhaps try to clear a field that we can sow in the spring. The people here

this area is untamed, uncultivated wildlands there are woods everywhere, plenty of places to go foraging. If they want to clear a field though, that's going to be a heck of a lot of effort. There's ready access to water

get off to a

some trees and bringing

not to come closer to the anthill. I'll

expression brightens immediately. [Thank you so much! This will mean the world to these people. Wait till I tell

tears begin to flood down his face and he kneels in the dirt before me, raising his one good arm to the



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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