
Chapter 198

[Crinis, could you come over here please?]

[Of course Master] the tennis ball of endless darkness responded immediately.

I get the feeling that she's able to sense where I am since she manages to roll towards me despite having no sense of sight. Once she reaches a space just in front of me she unfolds a few tentacles and 'stands' up, holding her body up on a few slender tendril like limbs.

[How are things going Crinis?] I decide to lead with a general question.

[Well, Master!] she replies happily, [since maturing I've been able to gain levels and Biomass at an accelerated pace. It feels good to be useful to you Master]

[Yep, you've been a great help]

The little ball wiggles happily in front of me for being praised. Despite her image she really is quite weak to positive reinforcement….

[How have you found spending your skill points and Biomass Crinis? Has there been any issues? Do you need any help or advice?]

She pauses for a moment. [I've been a little hesitant to spend my points Master since I couldn't be sure my choices were exactly what you wanted. I didn't want to make any mistakes…]


[It's your skills and your Biomass Crinis, you spend it however you want!]

Just because they are pets I don't want to micromanage every aspect of their lives! I'm probably a bit naive about it but I like the idea of my pets making their own choices and finding their own way in life.

Is it because I'm lazy and can't be bothered going through all the menus and burning up my brains working out a balanced strategy where every member of our group functions as a cohesive part of a whole?


Still… viva la freedom! Viva la pet choice!

They can work it all out on their own! I don't need to get involved!

[So tell me Crinis ] I say cheerily, [how many points have you spent? What sort of skills are we looking at?]

[.... ]

What is this? … Somehow, even though she doesn't have a face, I can tell she's looking away from me.

[What's wrong? Have you got a few points stored up? I'm happy to give advice if that's what you want…. ]


is starting to dawn on

How many points have

[.. All of them]

haven't spent a single

I didn't

just spend them however you want! Do what you

but what if I make a choice that doesn't work


diligent and thoughtful, a direct contradiction to Tiny, but she's TOO diligent and thoughtful. She's become paralysed by wanting to make the perfect selection. Unable to make a choice because

understanding side and educate



in a wide loop and whack straight into the little ball

Master?!] she


points! All of them!



timing it so that one strikes a moment before the other, cannoning the little ball into the second blow which sends

be checking back on you in

through the process with her this time she'll come to rely on me even more. I want my pets to be more

This is tough love!

your future growth and not because


unable to refuse my orders kind of sits uncomfortably with my modern sensibilities. Much as the colony has come to be my family, Tiny and

I'm just

buddy, come over here for a

groans before rolling


really that much of a bother to move five metres

contrasting sharply with his black and silver fur. He really is an impressive sight. His huge, bunched shoulders and massively thick arms are intimidating enough, but his huge fists,

going Tiny?] I lead


Any minute now.


There it is.

going? Spending your

[…. ?]

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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