
Chapter 200

The rest of the pet skills don't interest me right now, I don't need to take the skill to increase the number of available pets until the system refuses to allow to. I may as well try and find a third now that I have the faster pet growing skill, presumably I won't be able to level it up unless I gain a new pet.

At that time perhaps the system will refuse to allow me reconstitute a monster and I can easily pick up the skill then. For now, let's look about and see what other skills I can find.

Scrolling through the menus takes a significant amount of time. They don't seem to be organised in a properly logical way, with movement skills mixed with mental skill and magical skills sometimes tucked away amongst physical ones. It's almost as if you need to know what you're looking for and where to find it ahead of time, otherwise your only choice is to trawl through the lists checking every entry until you find something you like.

Which is exactly what I'm doing right now. And it sucks!

This one? No…

How about..? No…

Hmmmm….. No…

Who would want to get better at that anyway?!


There has to be some juicy new skills here somewhere. I need to look a little more carefully. I remember when the skill list had only five options on it. I don't know how, I don't know why but that has ballooned out to over one hundred at this point. I'm not sure exactly what causes the skills to become unlocked… there must be some sort of prerequisite that needs to be met. Perhaps with stats… or even actions in the world?

For example the pet skills. I don't exactly frequently check the skill list but they didn't appear until after I had reconstituted my first pet. I didn't go looking for them until after I'd met Formo the Sophos but it stands to reason that they were unlocked somehow.

have prerequisites before they become available. I suppose that humans and civilisations like the Sophos would have had hundreds of years to learn all this stuff and map it out, uncovering the most optimal paths, planning the best

first twenty of the new generation I'll begin the process of learning the secrets behind the entire skill tree! Not a single

I start reading through the skill descriptions one

slightly more with slightly less when

better marshal their mental resources, reducing the mental exertion

will be able to relax the mind and achieve clarity of thought. Each level will make the state

user perspective. More efficiency with mana, better mental endurance and a clearer, more



the third tier it's becoming

picking up new skills… perhaps

I've already picked up some skills on the mental side.. Is there anything on the physical side that I could pick up? I start to focus in on

could be interesting… I need to remember not to judge a skill on exactly what it says at the first stage. After reaching level five and then level ten the skills become much more useful. Look at dash for example. I ignored it initially since charging forward when I was just born would be little more than charging forward to my own death. After witnessing

Ooooo how about this?

will become better able to target

should work for my acid shot as well as


then… there has to be

One more skill…

my eye. Even then…

ability to make bite attacks

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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