
Chapter 206

There they are. Look at them. Peacefully sleeping for now, awaiting the day when they awake and take their first steps into the world. Shhhhhh little ones. You don't know it yet, but the world will be your oyster. Yes it will! You will roam wherever you wish and bring prosperity to our family. Our enemies will flee before your strength and become food beneath your mighty mandibles.

Yes they will! You adorable little things!


WHA?! What now?!

[Crinis, why are you interrupting egg time?!]

[I'm very sorry Master but I believe I have detected another wave approaching from the tunnels below]

Haaaa. These stupid monsters just won't stop! I'm going to have to work out a solution for this problem before the time approaches. These waves have caused no end of headaches and significant losses to the colony over the last week. Those Crocs down below are going to get what's coming to them, the sooner the better.

[I'm on the way Crinis. Tiny wake up! Time to fight]



twenty small, white spheres occupying the egg chamber. They are in fact, the only occupants of the egg chamber and the workers have been caring for them diligently but I can't help coming up to take a look at them every now and again. When I

of work to create those eggs! I deserve to be a little happy now that they've finally

to gather the Biomass necessary to lay this small clutch and it'll take a few more days before they hatch and then two weeks for them to complete their time as

It's soooo loooong!

fault for extending the development time of the workers in order to squeeze more stats into them but I'm so frustrating right now. I feel like kids probably felt at Christmas when there were presents waiting under the tree. I

through the main shaft of the nest, through the Queens chamber and into the area my pets and I have made our home. It's been somewhat expanded recently, mainly to accommodate Tiny and allow us a little more space in fighting of the Dungeon monsters

skills and our overall combat effectiveness has risen as a

trouble twice during our escapades. When Tiny and I ventured down, leaving Crinis on guard duty she had to fight off a wave on her own. Thankfully the ants from the chamber above became aware of the ruckus and rushed down to support

managed it. Through some twist of tunnel one of the waves managed to find an alternate access point to the surface. We had no idea they up there until the colony had engaged with them and started calling for reinforcements. When

seems to have driven their affection for ant monsters to even greater heights. When workers wander past their growing encampment they bow respectfully

more careful since

stupid crocs faces if I could, but I wanted to make sure the colony was safe first. That was a few days ago now, we've been quietly building our strength since then, getting ready to launch our invasion and claim the marsh expanse

my family and gets away with

Tiny ready for action. Crinis has extended her tentacles down the tunnel for more than a hundred metres, stretching her strange flesh to

Time to get ready

[Yes Master]

down the tunnel back into her

hands clench and unclench repeatedly as if he can't wait to allow his fists to go to work. The silver hair on his arms is already beginning to rise as electrical current

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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