
Chapter 209

Muahahaha! With over a hundred points to spend, I’m feeling slightly giddy. What to go for first?

Currently I’ve upgraded eyes to +7 and acid to +6, so I may as well finish those off first, that’ll take a significant chunk out of my points already.

[Would you like to upgrade Focused Eyes to +10 and Restrictive Acid to +10? This will cost 61 Biomass?]

Sixty one?!?!

Even if I already knew it, feels bad to hear Gandalf actually say it out loud.

I still have sixty eight Biomass to play with so I need to get spendin’. Once I’ve upgraded these two, I’ll still have legs, Gravity mana gland, Regeneration Gland, Pheromone and the two newest editions to go before I reach a complete +10 state.

Arrrgghhh! This is so frustrating!

Just how much do I have to eat before I can upgrade myself all the way?! Is it my tiny ant stomach that’s the problem?! I have two stomachs and I pack them both full every meal!

When I consider that my current level of evolution supports upgrades up to +15 I can only feel depressed. The goal of fully mutating everything before my next evolution seems like a long way away. Work hard stomachs! I’m counting on you guys!

Since I’ll be striding forth into battle after this round of upgrades I really want to ensure my combat effectiveness is at its peak, not only on the offensive but also the defensive. I’m thinking that the regeneration gland could use a boost, just in case things turn south and I get bitten in half or something.

[Would you like to upgrade Focused Eyes to +10, Restrictive Acid to +10 and Limb Regeneration Gland to +10? This will cost 101 Biomass?]


Only eighteen left?!

I guess that’ll be it for the full upgrades to +10... Enhancing my senses has never been a poor choice. I’ll upgrade my trusty antennae next. With 18 Biomass I can upgrade them to +7 and have five points in the bank.

Ok then!

[Would you like to upgrade Focused Eyes to +10, Restrictive Acid to +10, Limb Regeneration Gland to +10 and Infrared Antennae to +7 ? This will cost 114 Biomass.]

Let’s do it Oh bearded one.

level of mutation you may select a


was a weak and helpless ant, all alone without my colony to support me, it was the acid that became my trusty sidekick. Every combat

the rest of my body has been enhanced, as well as my magic growing to the point that it’s a credible ranged threat, the acid has become outshined. I don’t really need it to


Wait a sec.

Wait. One. Second.

to dissolve magic



any more!

I’m talking about! Able to eat through magical barriers or constructs? Hot.

back in town, in a big

over to the slightly more pedestrian eyes. Hopefully there’ll

recall seeing most of this stuff before. Upgrading to +10 will already give my compound eyes an around quality upgrade, and honestly, ever since I took the focused mutation I haven’t really suffered in the eye department since I

to human vision, but they do well enough to get me by.

lenses to improve the long range focus of the compound eyes in all directions, instead of only

I like it!

I don’t have a neck. In order to face sideways I actually have to turn my body in that direction, hence the compound eyes helping out a lot. Being able to see in almost all directions without shifting my head at all is obviously a great advantage. The drawback of each individual lens in my eyes being quite crud is something I’ve just had to put up with. From the sounds of things this upgrade will go

from taking the eyes from +7 to +10 I can expect

was quite concerned about how less well defended my legs are

little unnecessary, basically regenerate them faster or more frequently. Not interested. What I want from the regeneration gland is to make it better at what I originally purchased it for, that is, healing

doesn’t do anything for my internals, organs or muscles, that

the regeneration organ to refill more quickly, meaning it

infested marsh lands

selections are done.

like to

Awwwww yeah!


Wait a sec.


The eyes are so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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