
Chapter 218

More fireballs fly out of the distance and impact against my water domain, sending massive gouts of steam hissing into the air and further reducing visibility. In front of me, buffeted and soaked by the frothing mass of water that makes up my water domain, the double croc lunges forward with its massive jaws.



Leaping to the left I manage to avoid the snapping jaws at the last second. With the foe off balance, I dash forward to bite once more.


[Shattering Bite has reached level 8]


The Croc growls furiously, a rumble that comes from deep within its chest and shakes the air with its intensity. The double crocs are almost the same size as Tiny when standing on their hind legs, close to ten feet.

Being a little over a metre tall at this point, the damn thing towers over me. My eyes are about level with its knees! Thankfully my shattering bite manifests more than metre away from actual mandibles, increasing the range of my bite attacks considerably.

Enough to take a decent chunk out of the monsters side at any rate.



A little cocky after my successful bite and I don't even notice the twin tails sweeping towards me until they smash into my side with tremendous force, sending me flying several metres away.

[Master! Are you all right!?] Crinis cries shrilly.

[I'm fine! Focus on the fight!]

[Damn beast! I WILL REND YOU!!!]

I've lost a bit of HP from that strike, the kinetic force of the impact was enough to crack my carapace in several places but the enhanced diamond is perfect for resisting this sort of damage. Not to mention, a new feeling arises in the damaged sections that brings a smile to my heart. The inner bone plating, a supportive structure that webs the inside of my exoskeleton, begins to excrete a gel like substance at the site of the damaged portions. Immediately I can feel the tingling feeling of regeneration begin to intensify as the cracks start to knit together.

it when a

that you stupid Croc?! A few minutes and I'll be back to full HP again! The magical tank that is Anthony the ant shall never

the damage to my main defence, the carapace, without having to

I'm admiring my own incredible wisdom, Crinis has gone berserk. She has begun threshing her limbs around one of the Crocs' legs, the beast being too large for her to effective wrap the entire thing at once,

THIS is why



My water domain continues to swirl around me and I position myself so that the frothing liquid slashes and slams into the Crocs face as Crinis flicks her limbs

Their scaly hides are perfect for sliding through water and

when they designed their children with fire mana glands after all. At least my water magic is working to counter their stupid fireballs, even if the field has been covered in a blanket of

on its limbs and my own mandibles crunching at it,

defeated Level

[You have gained XP]

Gandalf has even finished his words I leap forward and take a

a new source of Biomass:

the Garralosh Bellator

Bellator: Garralosh Soldier, Following in the evolutionary footsteps of their progenitor, the Garralosh Soldier is equipped with a more powerful muscular

are basically evolving the same

it gives some insight into what Garralosh itself might

don't have time to worry about that now, we have more offspring to kill!

fail me and we manage to approach the creature who, despite being buffeted by my water domain, manages to accurately swipe at


fly but the claw fails to penetrate through to

lash forward and wrap both legs

Crinis!] I shout and move to follow up


torso. Flames begin to flicker around the mouth of the creature but thanks to my improved rear vision

You want flame thrower


Apparently yes!

back the flame, the monster opens wide blasts the spherical wall of water before it and even though some of the fire does indeed penetrate my defence, the majority is swallowed by the water and a huge

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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