
Chapter 220

After we've made a quick delivery to the surface and we take a little time to rest to aid the digestion. Fighting on a full stomach isn't the best feeling in the world, especially when I've already taken in a special core.

The tight, painful feeling has faded in the background by now. I'm sure if that is because my body has successfully accommodated to containing this slightly oversized core or if I've just gotten used to the pain. I'm still determined to try and take in another before my next evolution. I'm not willing to stay behind on the power curve. To protect my family, I'll take the risk to get every edge I possibly can.

To turn a humble worker ant into a monstrous powerhouse I can't go by the standard road. Maxing out my core and selecting the special evolutions isn't enough for me anymore. If I'm going to run into this Garralosh monster, I feel like I'm going to need every edge I can get my claws on.

Just thinking about what that Croc could look like makes me nervous enough to clean my antennae before I can settle down.

How many evolutions? Tier five? Six? Seven?!

Mutations would be at what level? Tier six would be +30!

I hope my pets and I are strong enough to handle it if that damn beast ever decides to come at the colony.

For that reason, we need to take every opportunity to make ourselves stronger. When the new generation is up and running, I'll be a lot more confident in our future. To that end, we have to secure our position as quickly as we can. I've got a week until they hatch, by that time the expanse needs to be tamed and the threat to the colony ended.

I reaped 21 Biomass from the fighting so far, enough to buy a little something.

I instruct everyone to spend up and then settle in to glance through my menu.

Thank goodness! With this last feed, I've amassed just enough to take my antennae to +10!

[Would you like to upgrade antennae to +10? At this level you may select a mutation advancement from the menu}


that upgrade. Having more information and more ways to sense enemies has made me feel much more secure in my travels through the Dungeon. My earlier sensory weakness has been well and

can see that there are some upgrades to the infrared advancement that make it more sensitive or effective at a greater range but I'm not particularly interested in that. Some of the other options are far more delicious, and I

a moment into the future. That is just a straight up hack. With multiple upgrades, I might be able to push the time I can detect

it's time to continue to build on my ability

to purchase this upgrade? It will cost 27



Oh right.



flailing later we are ready to roll. The others have made their purchases, and the decided lack of reaction to the irritating side effect of having your body rearrange itself at the cellular level is starting to get me

can do about

I gather the crew

how do we feel about our

proper respect

[Tasty] Tiny grunts.

tails are


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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